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mardi, 22 mars 2011

Portrait: Gabriele d'Annunzio


Portrait: Gabriel d'Annunzio


Il avait le teint brouillé des grands nerveux, les yeux bleuâ­tres, d'un azur profond et embrumé, voilé de quelque lointain rêve, la cornée et l'iris légèrement en saillie entre les paupières glabres, comme les yeux des bustes antiques – déjà. Les lèvres d'un gris mauve, comme des lèvres de marbre – déjà – d'un marbre jadis teinté, dont la nuance purpurine se serait effacée. Les dents mauvaises. Mais qu'importaient ces couleurs de la face et de l'émail dentaire ! La couleur est la chose éphémère, comme l'était cette nuance roussâtre du poil sur l'arcade sour­cilière, sous le nez, à la pointe du menton. Et qu'importait, de même, ce corps petit et musclé, avec son torse long, ses jam­bes courtes ! De ces proportions sans grâce le poète s'accommo­dait, sachant bien que sa gloire future concentrait tout l'inté­rêt de son humaine apparence dans le buste, promis – déjà – à l'éternité. Or, la tête était admirable par la forme et par les volumes, par tout ce qui ressortit à la statuaire. Il n'est pas jus­qu'à cette complète calvitie qui ne parût par avance un dépouil­lement volontaire de toute simulation et de tout accident. « Ma clarté frontale », comme l'appelait le maître, avec ce mélange d'orgueil et de sarcasme qui, dans sa bouche, pre­nait le ton d'un défi, d'une raillerie adressée aux circonstances, aux bizarreries de la nature, aux défaillances d'un dieu distrait. Et la main aussi – la main qui caresse et qui tient la plume (et l'épée) – la main qui est volupté et qui est esprit (et fierté), la main était belle : petite, féminine, ciselée, impérieuse, ayant cette force de dédain que le plus hautain visage ne peut exprimer et que, seule, une belle main reflète avec tranquillité. Au petit doigt, deux bagues d'or, chacune ornée d'une émeraude cabochon. J'ai lu que, sur le lit funèbre, le doigt ne portait plus que deux minces anneaux nus, sans aucune pierre pré­cieuse. Il y a tout un symbole de grandeur et de renoncement dans cette disparition des émeraudes.


 Sur le ciel noir de l'époque, la mort de Gabriele d'Annun­zio a jeté, durant quelques jours, les suprêmes clartés de la fusée qui s'éteint ou du météore qui rentre dans la nuit. Astre ou bouquet d'artifice ? Là est la question. Certes, la fin d'un tel homme ne pouvait passer inaperçue. Elle devait éblouir encore, les puissances du feu étant les caractéristiques mêmes de l'âme qui prenait congé de nous. Mais je ne puis m'empê­cher de noter combien fut bref ce dernier éblouissement, com­bien la nécrologie (en maints articles où il faut voir un signe des temps et le reflet des modes changées) fut prompte à di­minuer, à « minimiser », comme on dit dans un affreux jargon, l'importance de ce brusque départ,


 Me trompé-je ? Mais il me semble que, en Italie même, c'est avec quelque précipitation que furent rendus à la haute renom­mée du défunt les honneurs qu'on lui devait, ou qu'on ne pou­vait lui refuser. Dans quelques semaines, la «Voie triomphale » ouvrira sa vaste perspective devant le char de M. Hitler. Ses dalles toutes neuves retentiront sous les martèlements sourds de ce « pas romain » qui fait sa rentrée dans Rome après un bien long détour. Mais le char funèbre du poète n'aura pas suivi la nouvelle avenue. Sans doute parce qu'il y aurait eu antimonie à ce que les gloires du passé empruntassent les routes de l'ave­nir. Dans une petite église de campagne, un simple cercueil de noyer ciré a reçu l'absoute rituelle. Et la dépouille du héros fut inhumée dans la terre de cette même colline où il avait vécu retiré durant les seize ou dix-sept dernières années de sa vie.


 Ainsi va le siècle, ainsi vont les destins des hommes et des États, et les cieux, un instant déchirés par le suprême éclair de la flamme que le vent a soufflée, les cieux sont redevenus ce qu'ils étaient : un amoncellement de nuages sombres.


 Quel grand vide, pourtant, ce mort laisse après soi ! Ce vide, on ne le mesure pas encore. Ou bien disons, pour ceux qui pensent que la vie est un renouvellement incessant où nul vide ne se creuse qui ne soit aussitôt comblé, où ce qui s'en va est aussitôt remplacé (fût-ce par son contraire, ce qui est le cas le plus fréquent), disons pour ceux-là que la mort de Gabriele d'Annunzio constitue un grand événement, et point seulement dans l'Histoire de la Littérature universelle, mais dans l'His­toire universelle tout court, l'Histoire de l'Humanité.


 C'est toute une conception du monde qui s'efface avec cette éclatante figure. Et j'entends bien que cette conception était depuis longtemps déjà dépassée, démodée, périmée (comme disent les générations nouvelles, avec ce luxe d'expressions méprisantes qu'elles ont toujours à l'égard des gens et des choses qui les ont précédées). Mais Gabriele d'Annunzio, jus­qu'à ce soir du 1er mars où la mort l'a frappé à sa table de travail, était le plus illustre « survivant » d'une époque éva­nouie, le représentant le plus magnifique et le plus accompli d'un certain ordre de grandeur. Lui disparu, c'est tout un pan de la civilisation qui s'effondre ou, si l'on veut, c'est tout un décor qui disparaît comme dans une trappe.


 Il a commencé par le culte de l'Amour et de la Beauté. Il ne s'agissait pas, dans son esprit, comprenez bien, de deux reli­gions séparées, ayant chacune leur objet distinct, mais d'une religion unique ayant un double objet sur un seul autel. Les exigences des sens le tourmentaient, et ses aventures furent nombreuses, mais il n'eût point donné satisfaction à ses instincts s'il ne les eût associés – du moins en pensée, car l'imagination du poète supplée parfois aux réalités – à la poursuite d'une forme belle. D'autre part, la définition selon laquelle la beauté serait « une promesse de bonheur » correspond exactement à la manière de sentir qu'il eut dans sa jeunesse, et sa jeunesse se prolongea longtemps, comme on sait, jusque dans son vieil âge. Il ne distinguait point alors la Beauté de la Volupté. Certes, il ne ravalait pas son idole à n'être qu'un instrument du plaisir, mais il considérait l'extase amoureuse, les paradis physiques, comme un accroissement de la Beauté, laquelle ne pouvait, selon lui, atteindre son point de perfection et, si je puis dire, culminer que dans le délire sensuel.


 Mais ici encore, gardez-vous d'une équivoque ! N'allez pas confondre cette chasse ardente avec la morne dépravation. Dès l'instant que l'amour est requis, ou que l'âme aspire à lui, le voluptueux cesse d'être enfermé dans le cercle de la débauche. Ce qu'il cherche dans les voies de la sensualité, c'est une éva­sion, un moyen de se surpasser soi-même, c'est une issue vers le sublime. La Beauté, aux yeux de Gabriele d'Annunzio, fut donc toujours une sorte de prêtresse qui a pour sacerdoce l'ini­tiation aux mystères, et le plus grand mystère de la vie, peut­-être son unique but, pense le poète à cette époque, c'est l'Amour.


 De plus, comme cet artiste du verbe était en même temps très érudit en matière d'art, toutes les tentatives que les peintres, les sculpteurs, les orfèvres, les émailleurs, les tailleurs d'ivoire et autres servants de la Beauté avaient faites en tous les siècles et tous les pays pour saisir et fixer quelque aspect particulier, éphémère de l'éternelle idole, il les connaissait. Aux figures évoquées par sa propre imagination, laquelle ne cessait d'inventer des formes et des symboles, s'ajoutait un peuple de souvenirs. Il était environné d'images rêvées, mais aussi d'une multitude d'images rencontrées par lui dans tous les musées d'Europe. Entre les créatures de son esprit et les visages des portraits, des statues, des médailles, s'établissaient de perpé­tuels échanges. Il se créait, entre les deux plans, tout un jeu de références et d'allusions. Le danger eût été qu'une mémoire si fidèle n'étouffât, sous ses apports constants, le jaillissement spontané de l'imagination créatrice. Mais la Poésie, chez Ga­briele d'Annunzio, n'avait rien à craindre de Mnémosyne. Combien de fois la Muse annunziesque n'a-t-elle pas prouvé, en souriant, à sa redoutable compagne, qu'elle aurait pu se passer d'elle ! Une flamme extraordinaire maintenait à la tem­pérature voulue le creuset où s'opérait la fusion magique.


 Dans le domaine du vers notamment, où il excella tout jeune, (son premier recueil, Primo vere, contient les poèmes écrits en 1879 et 1880, entre seize et dix-sept ans), Annunzio possède le double don sans lequel il n'est pas de grand poète : l'alliance de l'image neuve et de la sonorité ; il est plastique et musical. Romancier, il a, par les illustrations qu'il a données du culte « Amour et Beauté », imposé à toute une époque sa vue per­sonnelle du monde, la mystique sensualiste d'un paganisme nouveau. Il est à l'origine d'un certain romanesque lyrique, tout à l'opposé de l'école naturaliste, qui, elle, a bien souvent caché, cultivé comme un vice, sous le couvert de la recherche du Vrai, un amour monstrueux, assidu, acharné de la Laideur. Il a créé une atmosphère d'enchantement qui n'appartient qu'à lui, détourné le XIXe siècle finissant des spectacles amers, des étalages complaisants de la bassesse humaine et de la platitude. Il nous a induits en des rêveries fastueuses ; il nous a rendu les clés des jardins ornés, des palais au fond des parcs ; il a peuplé nos songes de fascinantes figures de femmes, restauré les loisirs heureux ou ravagés par des passions aristocratiques.


 Et sans doute, il a pu entrer quelque naïveté dans ces évo­cations, de même qu'il y eut quelque bric-à-brac dans l'exis­tence de l'auteur lorsqu'il voulut, pour son propre compte, mettre sa vie en accord avec ce luxe imaginaire.


 Mais on aurait tort de limiter au goût du pittoresque et du bibelot ce vœu profond d'un cœur fervent. N'oublions pas que, dans les romans de Gabriele d'Annunzio, la Mort est toujours présente, accoudée aux terrasses avec les amoureux ou, solitaire, jouant de la harpe, en attendant son heure, dans le boudoir voisin de la chambre à coucher. Le culte « Amour et Beauté » ne peut être sincère, pratiqué avec foi, et ne peut mener loin sans que s'y glissent l'odeur attristante des roses effeuillées, la saveur de la lie au fond du verre, tout ce qui présage, an­nonce, révèle les approches de la visiteuse voilée.


 Ensuite il y a entre l'esthétique et l'éthique de secrets pas­sages. Le culte du Beau ne suffirait point à faire accéder une âme à la sainteté. Le Beau ne se confond pas avec le Bon. Que de fois n'est-il pas son contraire ! Mais il est rare que quelqu'un de bien déterminé à faire du culte de la Beauté sa raison de vivre, ne soit pas porté vers ce qui est noble et vers ce qui est grand. Cette ascension est patente dans l'œuvre et le caractère de Gabriele d'Annunzio.


 Comparée à son œuvre romanesque, son œuvre dramatique frappe déjà par un certain caractère d'austérité. Les passions y règnent encore en maîtresses, mais il ne s'agit plus unique­ment ici de la passion amoureuse et de l'exaltation de la Beauté. Ce sont tous les tragiques de la vie qui se donnent rendez-vous en ces drames étranges. La volonté de transposer le réel dans le lyrisme, de l'intégrer à la poésie, voilà ce qui crée l'unité entre ces drames divers, ainsi que le lien entre ce théâtre et les romans qui l'ont précédé.


 Les Lettres françaises garderont une reconnaissance parti­culière à ce grand poète italien, ce merveilleux génie bilingue, qui sut couler ses sentiments, ses rêves légendaires, la vibration de sa lyre épique et sacrée dans notre « doux parler ». Lui-même s'est dépeint tel qu'il fut en sa première jeunesse, attentif aux leçons de ceux qu'il nomme ses deux maîtres en matière de langage : l'Italien Ernesto Monaci et le Français Gaston Paris. Il a conté comment, à la veille de la Grande Guerre, exilé sur notre sol, entre le cap de Grave et l'Adour, il se plaisait à reconnaître, au cours de ses promenades à cheval, le long des grèves, dans le large déferlement de la houle atlantique, la grande chevelure glauque de la fée Morgane, divinité bienfai­sante des Gaules. Or, « en cet automne lointain des Landes », le poète écrivait le Martyre de saint Sébastien, ce poème fran­çais, unique dans notre littérature, où les sources communes de notre langue et de la langue italienne retrouvent parfois leur surgeon primitif, comme deux sœurs jumelles, à certaines heu­res, et quoique depuis longtemps séparées, sentent palpiter en­core au fond de leur subconscient le souvenir du tendre emmêle­ment qu'elles avaient dans le sein maternel.


 Ce français poétique de Gabriele d'Annunzio est « en dehors de tout » peut-être, hors du courant, hors du temps écoulé. Mais quelle étonnante merveille ! Nourri aux allégories et symboles du Roman de la Rose, aux truculences et trivialités magnifiques de nos vieux fabliaux, il est, avec cela, aussi éloigné que pos­sible de l'archaïsme pédantesque, aussi embaumé, aussi frais qu'un parterre de fleurs à l'aurore.


 Vint la guerre. On sait ce que la France doit à Gabriele d'Annunzio. Dans la lettre fameuse que le poète écrivit à Mau­rice Barrès, le jour où l'Italie se rangea aux côtés des Alliés, il est une phrase superbe que je n’ai jamais pu relire sans être parcouru de ce frisson qui se transmet de l'âme au corps lorsque retentit dans l'air la voix de l'héroïsme : « ... le vert et le bleu de nos drapeaux confondent leurs couleurs dans le soir qui tombe ».


 Une vie nouvelle commençait alors pour le grand écrivain. Elle devait être courte et flamboyante. Six années à peine, avant la retraite au bord du lac, sur la colline ! Mais, à partir de ce mois de mai 1915, où il quitta son appartement parisien pour regagner son pays, qu'il allait entraîner dans la guerre, quel changement chez cet homme qui, moins d'un an aupara­vant, souriait, au milieu d'un cercle de femmes, dans les théâ­tres et les salons de Paris.


Pourtant, du premier jour où son destin le requiert d'agir, il est prêt, armé chevalier en lui-même, et par lui-même, et sur l'heure ! De la religion « Amour et Beauté », sans transition apparente (mais les transitions, il les avait sans doute vécues dans son cœur, durant ses méditations solitaires sous les pins brûlants d'Arcachon), il passe, non seulement au culte des Héros, mais à la pratique de l'héroïsme, non seulement à la « chanson de geste », mais à la « geste » elle-même. Il n'est plus le troubadour qui s'exalte à célébrer les exploits des Ro­land, des Olivier, des Renaud. Il est l'égal des preux. Et un jour, il les surpasse. Il s'est élancé dans le ciel, suivi de ses compagnons montés sur des monstres ailés. Il libère Fiume, comme Persée délivra Andromède, et il la rend à sa patrie.


François PORCHE.


Extrait de La Revue Belge, 1920-1930.

dimanche, 20 mars 2011

Jack Marchal, ribelle senza confini


Jack Marchal, ribelle senza confini 

Articolo di Silvio Botto

da Linea Quotidiano del 10 marzo 2011
È il papà di tutti i “topi di fogna”, che quarant'anni fa sono usciti dalle cloache parigine e in breve hanno invaso le strade d'Europa, rimanendo ancor oggi il simbolo indomito di una volontà di ribellione che non conosce confini. Jack Marchal, 63 anni, è un artista francese versatile e poliedrico: musicista, fumettista, disegnatore, scrittore. Ma è grazie alla matita che è diventato famoso, grazie al tratto inconfondibile di vignettista della rivista satirica Alternative e in Italia de La voce della fogna.
Marchal ha raccontato in un'intervista come sono nati i rats maudits, i “topi maledetti” della destra studentesca francese, e come hanno fin da subito raccolto consenso negli ambienti universitari. «Dopo il '68 una miriade di gruppuscoli marxisti e dell'ultrasinistra aveva colonizzato le università e le riempiva di manifesti con testi noiosi, interminabili e ripetitivi – ha spiegato Jack Marchal – Noi del GUD (Gruppo di unione e difesa, formato da studenti di estrema destra reduci dall'esperienza della formazione Occident) cercavamo di distinguerci da quella banda di logorroici con slogan umoristici e una grafica alternativa. Non avevamo un simbolo, così decidemmo di contraddistinguere il nostro movimento usando i fumetti e le caricature. Quasi ogni giorno passavamo alcune ore nella sede del GUD a scherzare e disegnare: una volta mi è venuto in mente di tratteggiare un topo, visto che i nostri avversari ci definivano così, che commentava in modo caustico e pungente gli avvenimenti politici intorno a noi. Gérard Ecorcheville, che all'epoca gestiva la propaganda del GUD, esclamò: “Ma quel topo siamo noi!”. Avevamo trovato un simbolo per il nostro movimento».
carreladich.jpgÈ il mese di gennaio del 1970 e i volantini e ciclostilati del GUD, in cui appare il “topo maledetto”, poi circondato da altri personaggi (belle ragazze e squallidi barbuti falsi rivoluzionari), hanno subito un grande successo fra gli studenti. Negli anni successivi Marchal e alcuni dei suoi amici entrano in contatto con l'area giovanile del Msi che fa riferimento a Pino Rauti, in particolare con il dirigente giovanile Marco Tarchi. Dall'esperienza francese di Alternative e dall'entusiasmo di decine di giovani irrequieti e stufi del sonnolento ambiente missino, nel '74 prende il via l'esperimento de La voce della fogna, “giornale differente”, come recitava lo slogan sotto la testata. Un periodico satirico, irriverente, politicamente scorretto nei confronti dello stesso ambiente di provenienza, aperto alle novità non solo politiche, ma anche di costume.
E il simbolo della Voce della fogna non può che essere il rat maudit di Marchal, che ha ispirato persino il nome della testata. I giovani missini e i tanti ragazzi di destra ai margini del partito, nelle formazioni extraparlamentari, fanno così la conoscenza con un modo tutto nuovo di vedere e interpretare la militanza politica. Niente più riletture dei vecchi “testi sacri”, conferenze noiose dei notabili di partito, pellegrinaggi a Predappio e nostalgismi: sull'esempio francese si parla di immigrazione, economia, scienze sociali, ecologia, cinema, musica rock. Temi impegnativi, affrontati però con un pizzico di goliardia e di leggerezza. Inutile sottolineare che a farla da padrone sono le strisce a fumetti di Jack Marchal, che anche in Italia sdoganano il topi di fogna come simbolo ribelle e libertario da opporre al conformismo della sinistra marxista, verbosa e oppressiva.
Ma Jack Marchal è anche musicista e proprio in quegli anni sviluppa uno dei primi progetti di rock identitario, per di più transnazionale. È proprio lui a ricordarlo, nel corso di un'intervista: «Formammo il primo gruppo rock nazionalista. Il problema era di trovare altri musicisti, cosa che non è stata affatto facile visto che la maggior parte dei candidati preferiva fare cover dei Rolling Stones piuttosto che di fare pezzi nuovi. Ci limitammo perciò a comporre pezzi nostri e a registrarli con mezzi di fortuna. Avevamo la sensazione di essere veramente isolati nel nostro ambiente. La scossa arrivò con l'apparizione quasi simultanea, nel 1978 dei primi album dei Ragnarock in Germania e degli Janus in Italia. Questi due gruppi facevano una musica non sempre impeccabile ma con dei testi militanti come nessuno aveva mai fatto. Allora ci siamo detti: perché non noi? Mario Ladich degli Janus aveva una sala prove a Roma e si offrì di aiutarci. Lui era batterista e Olivier Carrè gli lasciò le bacchette e siccome era impossibile far venire altri musicisti a Roma per dieci giorni in pieno agosto mi sembrò più semplice suonare da me anche gli altri strumenti. Ecco come fu fabbricato Science & Violence, all'inizio di settembre 1979 a Roma».
Un disco innovativo e sofisticato, che rompe anche un po' con la tradizione della musica alternativa dell'epoca, ricca di passione ma povera di mezzi e di risorse artistiche. «Cantato interamente in francese - scrive il sito specializzato Italianprog.com - ma con lunghe parti strumentali, l'album è un esempio di musica progressiva di stampo chitarristico, con parti “spaziali” di synth. Tutti i brani sono di Jack Marchal, per cui il disco è spesso considerato un suo album solista». Nel 1997 è stato ristampato in cd. Tre anni prima Olivier Carrè - musicista, scultore e compagno di militanza politica di Marchal nel GUD – era morto a soli quarant'anni in un incidente motociclistico.
All'inizio degli anni Ottanta Jack diventa molto famoso in Italia anche per la sua partecipazione ai Campi Hobbit. Un'esperienza che oggi rilegge in modo un po' malinconico: «Forse sono severo, ma per me un Campo Hobbit consisteva nel far sentire musica a chi non la conosceva, a parlare di ecologia a gente che se ne fregava, a voler impiantare i concetti intellettuali della “nuova destra” a gente che era rimasta al “boia chi molla”. In poche parole, si cercava di imitare la sinistra giocando a essere quello che non si era. Viste in prospettiva storica, ho paura che queste esperienze non appaiano che come dei tentativi di gestire il declino militante».
A livello politico, nel '72 Jack Marchal è tra i fondatori del Front National, che lascia due anni più tardi in polemica con Le Pen per dar vita al Parti des Forces Nouvelles (PFN) , un movimento influenzato dalle idee della “Nuova destra” che dura dieci anni, senza particolari fortune elettorali. Nel 1984 Marchal rientra nel FN e da una decina d'anni ha ripreso pure l'attività di musicista con il gruppo di rock identitario francese Elendil. Con Frédéric Chatillon e Thomas Lagane nel 1995 ha pubblicato il volume Les Rats Maudits - Histoire des étudiants nationalistes.
«Ho riflettuto spesso sull'epoca 1969-70 – commenta Jack Marchal - Bisogna riconoscere che tutte le innovazioni furono il frutto di circostanze molto specifiche di un periodo in cui i giovani nazionalisti francesi si sono ritrovati soli, lasciati a se stessi in un mondo reduce dello choc del '68 e dove le organizzazioni nazionaliste strutturate erano scomparse. Noi siamo stati creativi in quel preciso momento, è vero, ma per necessità, senza volerlo e senza averne coscienza».
Silvio Botto

The Enigma of American Fascism in the 1930s

The Enigma of American Fascism in the 1930s 
German American Bund rally in Madison Square Garden, NY, 1939

The Enigma of American Fascism in the 1930s

by Michael Kleen

Ex: http://www.alternativeright.com/

In the third decade of the Twentieth Century, as the Great Depression dragged on and the unemployment rate climbed above 20 percent, the United States faced a social and political crisis. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was swept to power in the election of 1932, forcing a political realignment that would put the Democratic Party in the majority for decades. In 1933, President Roosevelt proposed a “New Deal” that he claimed would cure the nation of its economic woes. His plan had many detractors, however, and at the fringes of mainstream politics, disaffected Americans increasingly looked elsewhere for inspiration.


Catholic priest and radio-personality Charles Coughlin’s Christian Front, the German American Bund, the Black Legion, and a variety of nationalist, anti-Semitic, and/or isolationist groups opposed to President Roosevelt, “Moneyed Interests,” and Marxism attracted over a million members and supporters during that decade. Collectively, these groups have long been considered to be a particularly American expression of the same type of fascism that swept Europe in the 1920s and 1930s. The application of the term “fascism” to such a wide variety of individuals and organizations has proved troublesome, however, and the historiography on the subject is conflicted. Did European-style fascism appeal to Americans? Could an “American fascism” have kept the United States out of World War 2?

In order to answer those questions, we must first determine what American fascism was and was not, and then we have to understand why these groups and individuals failed to form any kind of broad coalition against Roosevelt, the New Deal, or liberal democracy itself.

Depending on the historian, American fascism began either as a far-ranging, populist-inspired movement and later degenerated into a number of fringe groups and fanatics, or it began as an isolated phenomenon that lost credibility during the Second World War and simply disappeared. Its adherents either consisted of a wide spectrum of Americans, or of a few thousand recently naturalized immigrants and two or three intellectuals.

“In the United States there were all kinds of fascist or parafascist organizations,” Walter Laqueur asserted in Fascism: Past, Present, Future (1996), “but they never achieved a political breakthrough.”[i] A decade earlier, historian Peter H. Amann took an opposite track. “It seems clear that there were far fewer authentically fascist movements in Depression America than was thought at the time,” he argued.[ii] Conversely, Victor C. Ferkiss, writing in the 1950s, contended that American fascism “was a basically indigenous growth,” and that a broad fascist movement “arose logically from the Populist creed.”[iii]

According to Ferkiss, American fascism was defined as a movement that appealed to farmers and small merchants who felt “crushed between big business . . . and an industrial working class,” espoused nationalism in the form of isolationism, believed that authority came from popular will and not from “liberal democratic institutions” that had been corrupted by moneyed interests, and possessed “an interpretation of history in which the causal factor is the machinations of international financiers.”[iv] According to Peter Amann, all fascism (even the American type) was characterized by an opposition to Marxism and representative government, advocacy of a “revolutionary, authoritarian, nationalist state,” the presence of a charismatic leader and a militarized mass movement, and commonly (although not universally) racist and anti-Semitic views.[v]

These two divergent portrayals, one inclusive and one exclusive, mark the ends of the spectrum in regards to defining fascism in the United States during the 1930s. The former portrays fascism as a legitimate threat to the status quo, and the latter nearly calls its existence into question because so few groups actually fit this model.

American fascism’s cultural roots raise questions as well. Where did the members of these organizations come from? Did American culture encourage or condemn their growth? The data shows a complex picture. American fascism may have been encouraged by some aspects of American culture, but was vigorously condemned by others. The diversity of American interests made a unified fascism that posed a genuine threat to the social order nearly impossible. For instance, while the main constituency of Father Charles Coughlin’s movement was Irish Catholic,[vi] and the members of the German-American Bund mostly recent immigrants,[vii] the Black Legion of the Midwest was fiercely nativist and only accepted Protestants into its ranks.[viii]

What was it about American history and culture doomed openly fascist or fascoid movements? All historians, in their answers, point to our differing conceptions of individual liberty, suspicion of authority, and the commitment to republican government. “No country with a deeply rooted liberal or democratic tradition went fascist,” Peter Amann argued.[ix] For American intellectuals, Victor Ferkiss wrote, “fascism was by definition un-American.”[x] Even the openly racialist and white supremacist South overwhelmingly rejected any comparison to Nazi Germany, and denied it’s Ku Klux Klan had anything to do with fascism.[xi] It seemed that even while incorporating fascist elements, very few Americans openly advocated fascism according to the European model.

Victor C. Ferkiss was far more liberal in his assessment of American fascism than later historians. In his essays “Ezra Pound and American Fascism” (1955) and “Populist Influences on American Fascism” (1957), he attempted to link American fascist groups of the 1930s to the Populist movement of the 1890s, and he broadened the definition of fascism to include prominent aspects of Populism in the United States.

Ezra Pound, American expatriate, poet, and supporter of Benito Mussolini, was the lynchpin of Ferkiss’ argument for an inclusive definition of American fascism. Pound’s ideas, in the widest sense, mirrored those of others in the United States who were known as fascists by their detractors. Ferkiss justified his application of the term by arguing that those individuals and groups “espouse sets of beliefs which have more in common with one another and with European fascism than they do with any other broad area of political thought.”[xii] He listed Huey Long, Gerald L. K. Smith, Father Charles E. Coughlin, and Lawrence Dennis as among those individuals, regardless of how few commonalities their ideas they may have actually shared with European fascist thought.

With this list in hand, Ferkiss held Populism directly responsible for these individual’s fascist tendencies. “American fascism had its roots in American populism,” he declared. “These populist beliefs and attitudes form the core of Pound’s philosophy, just as they provide the basis of American fascism generally.”[xiii] His definition of American fascism followed from that broad interpretation of the commonalities of American fascist thought, even though he acknowledged some fundamental differences. Ezra Pound’s “main divergence from [Lawrence] Dennis is the emphasis which, along with Father Coughlin and Huey Long, he places on the role of finance capitalism as a direct cause of war,” he explained. “For Pound, democracy is a sham.”[xiv]

Ferkiss argued that American fascists viewed the American Revolution as a revolt against the international banking system of England, and that “Mussolini’s objectives are those of Thomas Jefferson,” in his effort to free his country from the power of banks and usury.[xv] That focus on the fascist powers of Europe as defenders of money reform lent to their American supporter’s isolationism, but Ferkiss failed to take into account that approval or agreement does not directly translate into political imitation.

As for the constituency of American fascism, Ferkis argued that “the America First Committee provided the culture in which the seeds of American fascism were to grow.” The AFC was predominantly made up of Midwesterners and a few prominent businessmen, but also had chapters in large Eastern and Western cities. While the AFC was not overtly fascist, “a considerable portion of its chapters were dominated by fascists or their friends,” Ferkiss explained.[xvi] Ezra Pound was also a Midwesterner, having been born in Idaho. He later took a teaching job in Indiana, but he was let go for being “too European” and “unconventional.”[xvii] He emigrated to Europe shortly thereafter.


Written at the same time as Victor Ferkiss’ essays, Joachim Remak’s article “'Friends of the New Germany': The Bund and German-American Relations” (1957) chronicled the nearly universal American reaction against one of the few American fascist groups to consciously model itself after and receive direct inspiration from a European fascist regime: the German-American Bund. Even though the German government forbid its citizens from becoming members of the Bund, and requested that the Bund cease using National Socialist emblems in 1938, most Americans still believed the organization was a foreign entity. “The Americans on its rolls were all of them recent immigrants” from Nazi Germany, Remak explained. “German-Americans had no use for the Bund… the president of the highly conservative Steuben Society called on the [German] embassy to say that his group felt compelled to issue a public repudiation of the Bund.”[xviii]

Remak argued that the German-American Bund, rather than appealing to some broad pro-fascist sympathy in the United States, only harmed relations with National Socialist Germany by demonstrating to Americans the nature of European fascism. “Naziism, with its brutality and its suppression of basic liberties and decencies, could hold no greater appeal for the German-Americans than for the rest of the nation,” he argued.[xix] The rejection of an explicitly fascist organization by those Americans who Victor Ferkiss believed made up the core of ‘American fascism’ is instructive.

Along the same lines, Leland V. Bell, in his book, In Hitler's Shadow: the Anatomy of American Nazism (1973), argued that the real supporters of fascism in the United States were few and far between. In the 1930s, the Nazi party’s pleas for money from American contributors like Henry Ford and the Ku Klux Klan fell on deaf ears. Teutonia, one of the first pro-Nazi groups in the United States, numbered less than one hundred members in 1932, and the typical members of those groups were “young, rootless German immigrants,” and “arrogant, resolute, fanatics.”[xx] When Heinz Spanknoebel formed the Friends of the New Germany in July 1933, “a storm of public protest” greeted them. Four months later, Spanknoebel, like Ezra Pound had earlier, fled the United States.[xxi] The Friends of the New Germany failed to attract significant support from German Americans, who by that time “were accepted, respected citizens and easily assimilated into American life,” Bell explained.[xxii]

In 1936, Fritz Kuhn, a naturalized American citizen who had served in the German army during the First World War, became head of the organization. He renamed it the German-American Bund to attract more American nationals. Most of the constituency of the Bund was made up of recent German immigrants, however, despite Adolf Hitler having banned German citizens from becoming members of the organization. In contrast to Victor Ferkiss’ claim that supporters of American fascism were predominantly rural, the Bund was an urban lower-middle-class movement.[xxiii]


It is clear from Joachim Remak and Leland Bell’s analysis of the German-American Bund that Americans were generally suspicious of overtly fascist groups along the European model. Even the ethnic Germans who had established themselves in the Midwest as farmers and craftsmen, who generally supported isolationism before both World Wars, were not sympathetic to the anti-Democratic, outspokenly pro-Hitler Bundists.

One of the intellectual proponents of American fascism mentioned by Victor Ferkiss was Seward Collins, editor and publisher of the journal American Review. In his article “Seward Collins and the American Review: Experiment in Pro-Fascism, 1933-37” (1960), historian Albert E. Stone argued that Collins’ attempts to “define fascism and apply it to American life” not only produced nothing but controversy, but also undermined his project by alienating his supporters.

Seward Collins’ definition of fascism was unique compared to those covered thus far. According to Stone, Collins amalgamated four schools of thought—two English and two American—which he trumpeted in the American Review: Distributism, Neo-Scholasticism, Humanism, and Southern Agrarianism. Stone explained, “Where these four bodies of thought converged, Collins believed, could be found a definition of fascism which should be offered to thoughtful Americans.”[xxiv] For Seward Collins, fascism meant an end to parliamentary government, but not necessarily an end to democracy. Instead of a president, the head of state would be a monarch― “A strong man at the head of government,”[xxv] which would be coupled by nationalism undivided by rival oppositions.

Collins asserted that the essence of fascism was “the revival of monarchy, property, the guilds, the security of the family and the peasantry, and the ancient ways of European life.”[xxvi] However, that conception of fascism seemed to be a Collins’ own invention and was certainly far afield from the views of Ezra Pound or the German-American Bund. Also, Collins’ espoused anti-Semitism “bore virtually no trace of racial superiority.” He wished to exclude Jews from his fascist state only because they represented social and political rivals, as well as potential dissenters. There was no place in his mind for ideas of Nordic racial superiority, which he called “nonsense.”[xxvii] That would also distinguish him from organizations like the Black Legion and the German-American Bund.

According to Albert Stone, Collins’ views on monarchy and nationalism ultimately alienated one of his important constituencies in the United States, Southern Agrarians. “Southern Agrarians opposed in theory a strong central government,” Stone explained. They were also suspicious of nationalism, deeply isolationist, and “welcomed regional, social and racial differences as healthy manifestations of time, place and tradition.”[xxviii] During a January 1936 interview with the pro-communist magazine FIGHT, Seward Collins colorfully explicated his desire for a monarchy and a return to a medieval society, disparaged liberal education, and voiced admiration for Hitler and Mussolini.

Almost immediately after the interview was published, the American Review’s Southern Agrarian writers left in protest. The Distributists also distanced themselves. Herbert Agar, a prominent member of that bloc, stated, “I would die in order to diminish the chances of fascism in America.”[xxix] The American Review ceased publication in 1937. In the end, it seemed that the majority of Seward Collins’ contributors wanted nothing to do with his views.


In “Vigilante Fascism: The Black Legion as an American Hybrid” (1983) and “A 'Dog in the Nighttime' Problem: American Fascism in the 1930s” (1986), Peter H. Amann argued for a narrow definition of fascism that held closely to the European model and therefore excluded most American groups. Instead, he employed the terms “protofascist” or “fascoid” to describe American organizations that embraced certain aspects or appearances of fascism, but failed to develop into mature fascist political movements.

One such group was the Black Legion, a secret offshoot of the Midwestern Ku Klux Klan. An Ohioan named Dr. William Jacob Shepard formed the Legion during the late 1920s, but never intended the group to take on a life of its own. He was a Northerner who idolized the old South, and he “spouted, and apparently believed, the most rotund platitudes about southern chivalry.”[xxx] He was also a baptized Catholic who hated Catholics, and a doctor who did not shy away from violence.

His Black Legion donned black robes instead of white and held secret initiation rituals. “They were asked to endorse the standard nativist anti-immigrant, anti-Negro, and anti-Catholic positions,” Amann explained, and “pledge support to lynch law.”[xxxi] Initiates were often coaxed or deceived into coming to meetings, and then threatened with death if they did not join.[xxxii] The membership of the Legion was spread across Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and parts of Illinois, and the majority of members were urban and working class.[xxxiii]

The Black Legion became more violent and more revolutionary as time went on, bringing them closer to the European fascist model. Bert Effinger, their defacto leader during the 1930s, even planned “to kill one million Jews by planting in every American synagogue during Yon Kippur time-clock devices that would simultaneously release mustard gas.”[xxxiv]

Amann argued that the secretive nature of the group prevented them from becoming an effective organization. They were powerful in some ways, but their secrecy made it impossible for them to appeal to a mass audience. No one outside of their organization knew they existed—not even their enemies—so fear and intimidation became a useless tactic. They attempted to create front organizations to infiltrate established political parties but, ultimately, “by pretending to be mere Republicans, Legionnaires ended up acting as mere Republicans.”[xxxv]

Despite their failure, the Black Legion did share many characteristics with European fascist groups. According to Amann, they shared many of the same hatreds, revolutionary goals, and dictatorial tendencies. However, their initiation ceremonies, because of their ultra secrecy, never held the same weight as the mass rallies and rituals of European fascists. Also, the Legion’s nativism was patriotic in a crucial way: the American system may have been corrupt, but there was no alternative to the Constitution or the Republic. Their goal was only to purify the current system, not overthrow it. The history of the Black Legion ultimately shows, Amann argued, that “vigilante nativism and revolutionary-fascism were fundamentally incompatible.”[xxxvi] Additionally, he concluded, “by no stretch of anyone’s imagination can the Black Legion under Dr. Shepard be described as fascist. His Night Riders were to fascism what the Shriners are to Islam.”[xxxvii]

Similarly, the ultra-patriotic societies of the 1930s that evolved into the America First Committee, which Victor Ferkiss believed provided the cultural basis for American fascism, lacked the same crucial ingredients as their alleged European counterparts. “Whatever emphasis prevailed,” Amann explained, “there was never any thought of attacking the American constitutional system, the incumbent politicians, or the two major parties. Nor was there any attempt at mass mobilization.” The Ku Klux Klan, for example, never formed a political party or sought to change the political or economic system of the United States. Therefore, Amann concluded, “the overlap between American nativism and the European type of fascism is… more apparent than real.”[xxxviii]

The nature of these diverse groups also prevented them from working together to present a united front. “The nativist inheritance included… a divisive traditional anti-Catholicism that led the Black Legion to plant explosives in Father Charles Coughlin’s shrine rather than to seek him out as a potential ally,” Peter Amann pointed out.[xxxix] Additionally, genuinely fascist groups like the German-American Bund, with their “aping” of European fascist models, had their patriotic credentials routinely called into question. “It became obvious that in the United States such a nationalism could not be imported from abroad without looking both foolish and unpatriotic,” Amann argued.[xl] A genuine American fascism appealed to very few Americans in the 1930s, and every protofascist organization fell apart the more violent and overtly fascist in appearance and action it became.

In his book Hoods and Shirts: the Extreme Right in Pennsylvania (1997), Philip Jenkins tackled the problem of American fascism from a different angle. He argued that fascism was “polychromatic rather than monotone,” and embraced a spectrum of beliefs across Europe that was also reflected in the United States.[xli] If historians were not hesitant to label such diverse groups as Na Léinte Gorma in Ireland and the Croatian Ustashi (who were lead by church figures and clergymen) as fascist, he reasoned, then they should not be hesitant to label an organization like Father Coughlin’s Christian Front in the same manner.

However, the issue is complicated by the fact that fascist groups in the United States hesitated to call themselves as such. “The organizations most enthusiastic about European Nazism or fascism rarely included these provocative terms in their titles,” he explained. Most often, “Christian” and “Nationalist” were substituted instead because their appeal to American patriotism precluded foreign ideologies. In his own words, “a denial of fascism was phrased as part of a general rejection of any foreign theories.”[xlii]

Father Coughlin’s Christian Front was one of the primary organizations profiled in Hoods and Shirts. According to Jenkins, the Christian Front was founded on “traditions of Irish nationalism” and “anti-British feeling.”[xliii] Although Coughlin himself broadcast his radio messages from Michigan, the Front’s membership was heavily Irish and centered in large cities such as New York, Chicago, Baltimore, Cleveland, Boston and Philadelphia. Jenkins described Father Coughlin as akin to Spanish Nationalist leader Francisco Franco, to whom Coughlin had given moral support during the Spanish Civil War.


Coughlin’s movement linked Jews with communism and saw the Spanish Civil War as a war between good and evil. “Sympathy for Jews was indistinguishable from providing aid and comfort for Communist subversion,” Jenkins explained. The Christian Front allied itself with an assortment of groups, including the German-American Bund, in support of attacks on Jewish synagogues and businesses.[xliv] These activities, along with some outspoken statements in favor of Adolf Hitler, led to the arrest of dozens of movement members. Not all Irish Catholics supported those activities. After one particularly violent incident, an Irish Catholic magistrate “accused the Coughlinites of attempting to spread ‘European’ conditions in Philadelphia.”[xlv] Other Catholics regularly denounced Coughlin in newspapers and journals.[xlvi]

The Christian Front did welcome members from other backgrounds, as evidenced by its willingness to work together with Bund members as well as Italian-Americans. “In New York City over half of all Catholic clergy serving predominantly Italian parishes demonstrated sympathy for the Fascist cause and thus cooperated with the emerging Front,” Jenkins explained.[xlvii] African-American anti-Semites, especially those involved with Black Muslim sects, also attended gatherings and supported Front anti-Jewish activities. Some African Americans in large cities saw Jews as “exploitative landlords and grasping merchants,”[xlviii] which echoed the crusade against “moneyed interests” that was so central to Victor Ferkiss’ definition of American fascism.

As the Second World War broke out in Europe, the Christian Front faced increasing public opposition, as well as persecution by the FBI. Jenkins concluded that both its supporters and its enemies exaggerated the impact of the movement, but it represented one of the only fascoid groups in the United States during the 1930s to have been genuinely domestic in origin. “Of all the activist groups,” he argued, “this had perhaps the greatest potential to become a genuine mass movement around which others could coalesce.”[xlix] Even still, like every other American group on the far right, the political movement it sought to inspire fizzled out when the United States entered the war.

The historical record is very clear. The range of individuals and organizations surveyed by Victor Ferkiss, Peter Amann, and Philip Jenkins all show a similar arch: a steady rise in popularity followed by radicalization, which then ran up against resistance when the group’s activities were exposed. The end result was the rapid dissolution of the organization or the exile of the individual. By 1941, no one who openly came out as being supportive of fascism survived very long in the public eye.

Although a certain cultural undercurrent was needed in order to support the existence of these groups, that cultural undercurrent was undermined by the American democratic tradition they sought to oppose. It seems that, at least in the atmosphere of 1930s America, one could not be both a fascist in any meaningful sense of the word and also be supported by the majority of Americans who saw fascism as a threat to their liberal democratic institutions. The experiences of groups such as the German-American Bund, the Black Legion, Father Coughlin’s Christian Front, and individuals like Seward Collins and Ezra Pound seem to confirm that fascism was by definition a fundamentally “European” phenomenon.

[i] Walter Laqueur, Fascism: Past, Present, Future (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996), 17.

[ii] Peter H. Amann, “A 'Dog in the Nighttime' Problem: American Fascism in the 1930s,” The History Teacher 19 (August 1986): 574.

[iii] Victor C. Ferkiss, “Populist Influences on American Fascism,” The Western Political Quarterly 10 (June 1957): 350, 352.

[iv] Ibid., 350-351.

[v] Amann, 560.

[vi] Ibid., 574.

[vii] Leland V. Bell, In Hitler's Shadow: the Anatomy of American Nazism (Port Washington, NY: Kennikat Press, 1973), 21.

[viii] Peter H. Amann, “Vigilante Fascism: The Black Legion as an American Hybrid,” Comparative Studies in Society and History 25 (July 1983): 496.

[ix] Amann, “A ‘Dog in the Nighttime Problem”: 559.

[x] Ferkiss, “Populist Influences on American Fascism”: 350.

[xi] Johnpeter Horst Grill and Robert L. Jenkins, “The Nazis and the American South in the 1930s: A Mirror Image?,” The Journal of Southern History 58 (November 1992): 688.

[xii] Ferkiss, “Ezra Pound and American Fascism”: 173-4.

[xiii] Ibid., 174.

[xiv] Ibid., 186.

[xv] Ibid., 190.

[xvi] Ferkiss, “Populist Influences on American Fascism”: 367-8.

[xvii] Ferkiss, “Ezra Pound and American Fascism”: 175.

[xviii] Joachim Remak, “'Friends of the New Germany': The Bund and German-American Relations,” The Journal of Modern History 29 (March 1957): 40.

[xix] Ibid., 41.

[xx] Leland V. Bell, In Hitler's Shadow: the Anatomy of American Nazism (Port Washington, NY: Kennikat Press, 1973), 7.

[xxi] Ibid., 13.

[xxii] Ibid., 15-16.

[xxiii] Ibid., 21.

[xxiv] Albert E. Stone, Jr., “Seward Collins and the American Review: Experiment in Pro-Fascism, 1933-37,” American Quarterly 12 (Spring 1960): 6.

[xxv] Ibid., 7.

[xxvi] Ibid., 9.

[xxvii] Ibid., 12.

[xxviii] Ibid., 13.

[xxix] Ibid., 17.

[xxx] Peter H. Amann, “Vigilante Fascism”: 494.

[xxxi] Ibid., 496.

[xxxii] Ibid., 498.

[xxxiii] Ibid., 509.

[xxxiv] Ibid., 512.

[xxxv] Ibid., 515.

[xxxvi] Ibid., 524.

[xxxvii] Ibid., 501.

[xxxviii] Peter H. Amann, “A 'Dog in the Nighttime' Problem”: 562.

[xxxix] Ibid., 567.

[xl] Ibid., 569.

[xli] Philip Jenkins, Hoods and Shirts: the Extreme Right in Pennsylvania, 1925-1950 (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1997), 27.

[xlii] Ibid., 25-26.

[xliii] Ibid., 166.

[xliv] Ibid., 173.

[xlv] Ibid., 174.

[xlvi] Ibid., 187-8.

[xlvii] Ibid., 183.

[xlviii] Ibid., 185.

[xlix] Ibid., 191.

Michael Kleen

Michael Kleen

Michael Kleen is the Editor-in-Chief of Untimely Meditations, publisher of Black Oak Presents, and proprietor of Black Oak Media. He holds a master’s degree in American history and is the author of The Britney Spears Culture, a collection of columns regarding issues in contemporary American politics and culture. His columns have appeared in various publications and websites, including the Rock River Times, Daily Eastern News, World Net Daily, and Strike-the-Root.

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vendredi, 18 mars 2011

Bonald's Theory of the Nobility

Bonald’s Theory of the Nobility

F. Roger Devlin

Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com/

bonald.jpgUnlike Edmund Burke and Joseph de Maistre, Louis de Bonald devoted little space to analyzing the French Revolution itself. His focus instead was on understanding the traditional society which had been swept away. His review of Mme. de Staël’s Considerations on the Principal Events of the French Revolution, e.g., ends up turning into a theory of the nobility and its function. Bonald scholar Christopher Olaf Blum calls this “his most original contribution to the theory of the counter-revolution.”

Any advanced society requires men who devote themselves to the public good in preference to the private good of their families. This is particularly so in the professions of law and war: Bonald calls judges and warriors “merely the internal and external means of society’s conservation,” and hence the two fundamentally political or public professions.

To entice men into public service, two things are required. First, such men must be economically independent. They cannot rely on the changeable will of an employer who pays them a salary, however generous. Nor would their public duties allow them leisure to busy themselves with commerce. Therefore they must be landholders.

Second, men must be socialized to see public service as an honor and a distinction:

The [pre-revolutionary] constitution said to every private family: “when you have fulfilled your destination in domestic society, which is to acquire an independent property through work, order and thrift—when, that is, you have acquired enough that you have no need of others and are able to serve the state at your own expense, from your own income and, if necessary, with your capital—the greatest honor to which you can aspire will be to pass into the order particularly devoted to the service of the state.

In reality, this is a kind of noble fiction: the service nobility’s “distinction, by a strange reversal of conceptions, has seemed, even to them, to be a prerogative, while it is in fact nothing but servitude.” Their own interest would dictate their continued devotion to their families and the concerns of private life.

Pre-revolutionary France had a remarkable way of filling public offices: they were sold. Known as the “venality of offices,” the system is most often cited as an example of the irrationality of the ancien régime’s finances. Liberal historians especially have criticized the system for delaying the onset of large-scale capitalism in France: instead of expanding their commercial operations indefinitely, successful merchants would convert their fortunes into land in order to purchase more ‘honorable’ offices for themselves or their sons. Bonald warmly defends the custom:

There could be no more moral institution than one which, by the most honorable motive, gave an example of disinterestedness to men devoured by a thirst for money in a society in which the passion was a fertile source of injustice and crime. There could be no better policy than to stop, by a powerful yet voluntary means, and by the motive of honor, the immoderate accumulation of wealth in the same hands.

A large payment for occupying offices of public trust, he says, functioned as proof of a candidate’s independence and disinterestedness. The ‘opening of careers  to talents’ (which the Revolution made such a fuss over) merely encouraged bribery and endless strife over who was talented. Open venality was, strange to say, the more objective procedure.

Bonald contrasts the service nobility of France favorably with what he calls the political nobility of England: the English peers were “no body of nobles destined to serve political power but a senate destined to exercise it.” Nor were they wholly devoted to public duties: “The peer who makes laws for three months of the year sells linens for the other nine.”

The liberal might respond that “private” linen merchants are serving the public just as much as judges or military men: they provide merchandise to the “general public.” Contemporary libertarians have effectively satirized the notion of “public servants” who consume half our incomes, while “selfish businessmen” labor so that we may feed, clothe, and house ourselves more cheaply than any people in history.

Bonald mentions someone’s suggestion that actors be considered “public servants” since they perform for the public: this notion was universally and deservedly ridiculed, even by many who could not explain why actors were not “public men.”

The case with merchants is similar: “the merchant who arranges for a whole fleet of sugar and coffee serves individuals no less than the shopkeeper who sells them to me.” But the soldier who sacrifices his life for his country does not act merely for the benefit of the particular persons who make up the country at a particular moment. Justice has a similar irreducibly impersonal or universal intention: it is ideally “blind” or without regard for persons. Economic thinking cannot account for these types of human action.

(The philosophically inclined may wish to consult my discussion of the essential difference between universalist vs. particularist action in Alexandre Kojeve and the Outcome of Modern Thought, p. 92ff. Bonald’s views on this matter are quite similar to Hegel’s.)

It should be acknowledged that Bonald’s theory of the nobility is an idealizing interpretation. Since the time of Louis XIV, the grande noblesse at Versailles had not performed much of any function, and well before the Revolution, many noblemen bore a closer resemblance to the dissolute characters in Les liaisons dangereuses than to the ideal type described by Bonald. As Blum says, “in making [his] argument, [Bonald] was a reformer, for the French nobility had shown itself willing to jettison its duties in favor of the kind of freedom that would enable them, the wealthy, to dominate more effectively and without the hindrance of traditional strictures.”

Recommended reading:

Louis de Bonald
The True & Only Wealth of Nations: Essays on Family, Economy, & Society
Translated by Christopher Olaf Blum
Naples, Fla.: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University, 2006

Critics of the Enlightenment: Readings in the French Counter-Revolutionary Tradition
Edited and translated by Christopher Olaf Blum
Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books, 2004

Louis de Bonald
On Divorce
Translated and edited by Nicholas Davidson
New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1992

TOQ Online, Dec. 4, 2009

jeudi, 17 mars 2011

Jean Haudry: 1 h 30 d'entretien


Jean Haudry était l’invité de Méridien Zéro…

Pour écouter l’émission N° 39  datée du 6 Mars, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous…


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Jean Haudry répond à Colin Renfrew



La_triade.jpgJean Haudry est professeur de linguistique à l'Université de Lyon III, membre du Comité Scientifique du Front national et spécialiste de la question indo-européenne. Il a accepté de nous faire part de ses travaux, ainsi que de ses réactions concernant la parution du dernier ouvrage de l'archéologue Colin Renfrew, L'Énigme indo-européenne (1), qui a suscité de nombreuses polémiques...



Le Choc : Jean Haudry, retracez-nous votre itinéraire et votre formation univer­sitaire ainsi que les motivations qui vous ont poussé à vous intéresser à la ques­tion Indo-Européenne.

• Jean Haudry : Je suis de formation classique et un grammairien. De là, je suis venu à la linguistique et à la gram­maire comparée, à la linguistique sur le domaine indo-européen. Je suis pro­gressivement passé de l'aspect pure­ment linguistique des questions au contenu des textes que j'étudiais et de là, à la civilisation, à la culture et à la tradition indo-européenne. Voilà com­ment, après avoir fait ma thèse sur l'emploi des cas en védiques, j'en suis arrivé à m'intéresser à ce que j'ai appelé la religion de la Vérité ou la religion cosmique indo-européenne, bien que je ne sois pas un spécialiste d'histoire religieuse. Quand on étudie des textes, on est forcément amené un jour ou l'autre à vouloir les com­prendre un peu mieux et à ne pas se contenter d'en faire un découpage grammatical.


Pouvez-vous expliquer brièvement à nos lecteurs qui sont les Indo-euro­péens ?

• Les lndo-Européens sont tout sim­plement ceux qui ont parlé l'indo-euro­péen que nous reconstruisons, c'est-à­-dire la langue commune dont sont issues la plupart des langues d'Europe, toutes sauf le basque, le hongrois et le finnois, et un bon nombre de langues d'Asie, notamment celles d'Iran et d'Inde. Toutes ses langues sont appa­rentées entre elles, et issues d'une langue commune, comme les langues romanes sont issues du latin, tout sim­plement. On peut supposer qu'il y avait un peuple ou au moins une communau­té parlant cette langue commune, comme il y avait une communauté lin­guistique latine parlant le latin. La question qui se pose évidemment est de savoir si c'était un État, un peuple ou un conglomérat de gens n'ayant en commun que la langue. II y a deux hypothèses que l'on peut exclure : c'est celle d'un État, car il n'y a pas d'État dans ces périodes reculées et celle d'un conglomérat, parce qu'il n'y a pas de langues qui soient parlées par des gens qui n'ont rien d'autre en commun. Les Indo-Européens sont donc à peu près ce qu'on appelle un peuple. Et il peut y avoir un peuple sans État. Voilà ce qu'on appelle les Indo-Européens.


Quels sont aujourd'hui les polémiques autour de la question indo-européenne ?

• Sur les questions de faits, il n'y a, à ma connaissance, guère de polémiques, mais au contraire un très large accord. Bien entendu, sur un certain nombre de questions ponctuelles, il y a des désac­cords, mais qui n'aboutissent pas à des polémiques. II y a accord tout d'abord sur la notion même de langue indo­-européenne, sur la quasi totalité des points essentiels de phonologie (2), de morphologie, de syntaxe et même de lexique. Or lorsque l'on est d'accord sur tout cela, la reconstruction de la langue est considérée comme quelque chose de sûr. Les divergences com­mencent à apparaître sur la question du peuple, de sa culture, de ses traditions et éventuellement de ses institutions, parce que là, la reconstruction n'est pas directe, mais elle comporte une part d'interprétation. On interprète un cer­tain nombre de mots et on interprète également un certain nombre de textes, de formules héritées et à partir de là, on bâtit des modèles. On peut ne pas être d'accord sur les modèles recons­truits. Par exemple le modèle trifonc­tionnel de Dumézil a mis assez long­temps à s'imposer. Il a été discuté pen­dant longtemps. Ce genre de discussion est parfaitement légitime. S'il n'y avait d'autres discussions que celles là, nous ne pourrions que nous en réjouir. Mal­heureusement, il y en a d'autres qui sont le plus souvent l'affaire de gens qui ne sont pas de la partie, qui n'y connaissent rien et qui prennent des positions sur des questions qu'ils ne connaissent pas, à partir d'a priori extra-scientifiques. À partir de là, on peut naturellement dire n'importe quoi et nier n'importer quoi.


Suite à la parution de l'ouvrage de l'archéologue britannique, Colin Renfrew, L'Énigme indo-européenne, qui minimise l'apport de Georges Dumézil et ne tient aucun compte de vos travaux ou de ceux de Jean Varenne, pouvez-vous nous faire part de vos réactions ?

• Je vous surprendrai peut-être en vous disant que c'est un ouvrage que j'ai beaucoup aimé et que j'ai lu avec beaucoup de plaisir. Qu'il tienne compte ou non des travaux de X ou de Y, n'a aucune espèce d'importance. S'agissant du travail d'un archéologue, il n'avait aucune raison de tenir comp­te de mes travaux qui n'ont jamais concerné l'archéologie. L'essentiel est le savoir si le modèle qu'il propose permet de rendre compte du phénomè­ne que les linguistes ont défini, celui de la parenté entre les langues indo-­européennes. Là, je doute qu'il y par­vienne, pour une raison très simple : si 'on identifie les Indo-Européens aux Danubiens, même en prolongeant vers l’est et en faisant venir ces Danubiens d'Anatolie, on les fait venir trop tôt vers l'Occident et on ne rend pas compte de leur migration vers l'est, ce qui est gênant. Le deuxième point est que le tableau que nous pouvons nous faire des Indo-Européens par leur tradi­tion, et d'abord par leur tradition for­mulaire, n'a strictement rien à voir avec ce peuple de paysans qui progres­seraient en mettant des terres en cultu­re. Nous avons au contraire l'image d'un peuple assez proche de ce qu'on appelle la société héroïque de l'âge du bronze, donc de quelque chose de rela­tivement récent. Ce n'est visiblement pas la vision du monde d'un peuple de paysans. Donc il y a là quelque chose qui ne va pas. Maintenant, rien ne dit qu'il n'y a pas eu plusieurs vagues d'indo-européanisation. Ce qui me ferait penser à une possibilité de ce genre, c'est que la tradition telle que je la définis est relativement peu repré­sentée dans le monde anatolien, juste­ment chez les Indo-Européens d'Asie mineure. Donc il n'est pas impossible qu'une migration venue d'Asie mineu­re ait constitué une première vague indo-européenne. Mais il y a eu forcé­ment quelque chose d'autre qui s'est passé après pour rendre compte des faits que les linguistes observent. Et enfin le troisième point, celui qui me gêne le plus, c'est le refus de tenir compte des indications du vocabulaire. Parce que le vocabulaire appartient à la langue, il n'y a pas de raison de tenir compte de la grammaire pour attester la parenté des langues et ensuite de refuser les témoignages du vocabulaire quand il contient des indications qui vous gênent. Comme par exemple, quand on y trouve le nom du cheval et que l'on fait venir les Indo-Européens d'une région où le cheval a été intro­duit beaucoup plus tard. Là, l'auteur ne joue plus le jeu.


• Propos recueillis par Christophe Verneuil

Entretien paru dans "Le Choc du mois", n°38, mars 1991.


(1) L'Énigme indo-européenne, par Colin Renfrew, Flammarion, 400 pages, 160 F.

(2) Étude de la phonétique à travers sa fonction dans la langue.

vendredi, 11 mars 2011

Il soldato di Jünger è l'uomo-massa in rivolta contro la massificazione, cioè contro se stesso

Il soldato di Jünger è l’uomo-massa in rivolta contro la massificazione, cioè contro se stesso

di Francesco Lamendola

Fonte: Arianna Editrice [scheda fonte]

È altamente significativo il fatto che un evento epocale e lacerante come la prima guerra mondiale abbia trovato, nell’ambito della letteratura, solo pochi scrittori capaci di penetrare l’essenza di ciò che essa aveva in se stessa di nuovo, di tragicamente nuovo, rispetto a tutte le guerre precedenti: vale a dire la massificazione e l’industrializzazione del massacro.
Fra i non molti che se ne resero conto, spicca il nome di Ernst Jünger, uno dei maggiori nella pleiade della cosiddetta “rivoluzione conservatrice” fiorita nei primi decenni del Novecento, che ha rappresentato tale carattere di novità in alcuni libri divenuti giustamente famosi, da «In Stahlgewittern», del 1920 («Nelle tempeste d’acciaio», Parma, Guanda, 1995), a  «Der Kampf als inneres», del 1922 (La lotta come esperienza interiore»); da «Sturm», del 1923 («Il tenente Sturm», Parma, Guanda, 2000), a «Das Waldchen 125», del 1925 («Boschetto 125. Una cronaca delle battaglie in trincea nel 1918», Parma, Guanda, 1999).
Da questi romanzi e saggi emerge con lucidità e prepotenza una nuova figura antropologica, quella del “soldato”, peraltro con caratteristiche radicalmente diverse da quelle “classiche”: più un pirata e un avventuriero, che un disciplinato esecutore di ordini superiori; più un anarca che un borghese, anzi, decisamente un anti-borghese, forgiato dal ferro e dal fuoco e darwinianamente sopravvissuto alle “tempeste d’acciaio” proprio per accendere la fiaccola della rivoluzione nella stagnante società del cosiddetto ordine costituito.
Jünger delinea questa nuova figura con l’entusiasmo e con la compartecipazione di chi ne ha fatto l‘esperienza diretta (fu ufficiale di complemento nelle trincee a partire dal 1915, dopo essersi arruolato romanticamente nella Legione Straniera francese) e, al tempo stesso, con il tono profetico che lo contraddistinguerà, poco dopo - negli anni del primo dopoguerra - quando sposterà le sue simpatie su di una nuova figura antropologica, quella dell’”operaio”; per poi approdare, definitivamente, a quella del “ribelle”, di colui che “passa al bosco” e rifiuta radicalmente le tranquille certezze del mondo borghese, per “vivere pericolosamente” in una sorta di guerra privata contro ogni tentativo di ingabbiarlo, di ammaestrarlo, di ammansirlo e, in ultima analisi, di manipolarlo.
Nemmeno Jünger, però, riesce a sottrarsi alle premesse irrazionalistiche, vitalistiche, confusamente nietzschiane, che fanno velo alla rigorosa imparzialità della sua analisi e finisce per caricare la figura del “soldato” di valenze romantiche, nel senso più ampio del termine, che poco o niente hanno a che fare con la realtà storica della prima guerra mondiale; e, soprattutto, per cercare una scorciatoia ideologica che gli consenta di sottrarre quella figura, a lui così cara, al destino della massificazione e della nullificazione della sua volontà individuale, per restituirle - ma, ahimé, solo in maniera astratta e velleitaria - quella capacità decisionale che contrassegna, per definizione, qualsiasi “eroe” letterario: categoria - quest’ultima - alla quale anche il “soldato” appartiene.
In altre parole, Jünger tenta di delineare la figura di un combattente che, slanciandosi contro le linee nemiche per “sfondarle” o “penetrarle” (psicanalisti freudiani, sbizzarritevi!), con una sorta di furore eroico che è anche, al tempo stesso, decisamente erotico, si fa protagonista di un vero e proprio surrogato dell’atto sessuale.
Sarebbe troppo semplice insistere sul velleitarismo, nonché sulla natura eminentemente letteraria, nel senso di “straniante”, di un simile atteggiamento, che, come nel caso dei Futuristi, celebra la “bellezza” della lotta per se stessa e finisce per cadere in un eccesso di estetismo, vagamente spruzzato di superomismo e, naturalmente, del più crudo darwinismo.
Più interessante, invece, della chiave di lettura psicologica e più fruttuosa come ipotesi di lavoro, ci sembra essere quella specificamente ideologica: non potendo sottrarsi ad una spietata quanto cieca gerarchia,  che lo afferra e lo scaraventa in un sanguinoso, delirante bagno di anonimità, il “soldato” jüngheriano si prende la sua rivincita individualistica, facendo proprio quel modello gerarchico e quella impersonalità tecnologica, ma vivendoli, con orgoglio, dall’interno, illudendosi così di mutare i termini della propria condizione di totale impotenza decisionale e di radicale e assoluta sottomissione ad un tale apparato anonimo e distruttivo.
Eric J. Leed, nel suo pregevole studio «Terra di nessuno. Esperienza bellica e identità personale nella prima guerra mondiale» (titolo originale: «No Man’s Land. Combat and Identity in World War I», Cambridge University Press, 1979; traduzione italiana di Rinaldo Falcioni, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1985, 2004 pp. 200-212 passim), ha colto nel segno, a nostro avviso, allorché ha evidenziato il carattere illusorio e, al tempo stesso, auto-consolatorio, della identificazione jüngheriana fra il “soldato” e la guerra:

«Man mano che gli uomini esperivano la guerra come estraniazione dal proprio “agire”, come perdita di controllo, come svilimento delle loro potenzialità, la loro autonomia smarrita e le loro energie represse furono investite in un’astrazione: “la Guerra”, il meccanismo autonomo di macello. Ma alcuni combattenti, e in prima file Ernst Jünger, non poterono rassegnarsi allo statuto di individui qualsiasi, sofferenti passivi dello strapotere del materiale. Essi tentarono dunque di recuperare la loro potenza perduta tramite un’identificazione proprio con quel meccanismo autonomo della “Guerra” che tiranneggiava le “masse”. Nel caso di Jünger» l’identificazione personale con la tecnologia autonoma divenne fonte di potere e autorità personali; tramite questa identificazione egli fu in grado di acquisire lo statuto di esecutore di un potere sovrapersonale, un potere che concedeva a coloro che si identificavano in esso una rinnovata, anche se “amorale”, capacità d’azione. È in quest’ottica che bisogna leggere l’affermazione di Jünger secondo cui la prima guerra mondiale produsse una nuova “Gestalt”, un “uomo tecnologico” che era tanto “duro”, “insensibile”, e “imperturbabile” quanto la stessa macchina da guerra.
In base a queste identificazioni la guerra in generale, e in particolare l’immagine della guerra come realtà industriale, “tecnologica”, acquista sovente un profondo significato soggettivo. Nei libri di guerra di Jünger è evidente che la “macchina” assomma tutte le altre caratteristiche della figura d’”autorità” in grado d’impartire sofferenze e punizioni, rimanendo ad esse impermeabile – la figura del padre, lo stato, la divinità. La posizione politica post-bellica di Jünger, il suo “conservatorismo radicale”, trae le mosse da un’esperienza di guerra in cui egli apprese, una volta di più, che l’individuo non acquisisce la sua capacità di azione e la sua autonomia tramite la ribellione contro quelle figure, bensì tramite l’identificazione con esse. […]
Per Jünger la guerra fu un’esperienza che liberò i figli della borghesia dalle loro origini sociali, rivoltandoli contro i loro genitori borghesi. […]
Al pari di tutti gli altri, Jünger esperì la guerra autentica come umiliazione, come tremenda rassegnazione; il nemico era scomparso dietro una maschera macchinica che impediva ogni confronto od osservazione. I successivi anni di guerra avrebbero solo intensificato le contraddizioni implicite in questa esperienza iniziale: la guerra non era la prova delle capacità e delle volontà individuali, bensì la soppressione di ogni valore connesso all’individuo. […]
Qui l’offensiva è l’atto che risolve tutte le inibizioni: essa permette a coloro che marciscono nelle trincee e nelle buche di granata di comportarsi finalmente come pirati e tagliaborse svincolati da ogni morale o coscienza.  L’immagine di violenza sistematica nei confronti di un paese pingue e pacifico in compagnia di altri “armati di tutto punto” è necessariamente legata allo strapotere inibitore del fuoco d’artiglieria, al sistema di trincea, alle condizioni di immobilismo della guerra: sono proprio queste realtà, queste condizioni che creano le condizioni immaginarie dello straripamento di una feroce soldatesca in territori vergini. […]
Nei primi lavori di Jünger si può chiaramente cogliere - nell’idea dell’assalto di tipo militare e sociale - la sovrapposizione fra mondo sociale e mondo militare. È evidente che l’esperienza di guerra non è, almeno non a livello mentale, un’esperienza discreta, creatrice di nuove strategie psichiche; piuttosto, con i materiali dell’esperienza di guerra, Jünger semplifica e intensifica un tipo di conflitto  psichico prettamente tradizionale. Da un lato stanno tutte le realtà restrittive e inibitorie - la tecnologia, la borghesia, la figura del padre - che servono a proteggere e a difendere un territorio amico e pacifico; dall’altro stanno le creazioni della realtà e della fantasia - il pirata predone, le truppe d’assalto, gli assassini segreti della coscienza borghese, giovani che erano a un tempo “costretti a sacrificare se stessi” e armati “dei massimi strumenti di potenza”. […]
In tutti questi frangenti, il personaggio del soldato è contrassegnato da un’elevata tensione ormai abituale: in termini patologici, questo carattere è basato su di una stasi, un equilibrio teso, che fomenta in continuazione fantasie di scarica, di liberazione. Qualora si voglia ricostruire il percorso che nell’opera di Jünger lega l’esperienza di guerra ad un’ideologia del tutto ambivalente, che combina totalitarismo e rivoluzione, si deve partire dalla situazione di fatto esistente della guerra di trincea. Proprio da questa situazione in cui le scariche pulsionali e la mobilità dei singoli combattenti erano inibite dalla tecnologia, risultò una mostruosa stasi fisica; ma nel particolare caso di Jünger, questa stasi assunse il carattere di una fissazione sulla tecnologia, approdando quest’ultima allo statuto di genitrice di una generazione intera.»

Se, dunque, la guerra moderna rappresenta l’estremo punto d’arrivo, da un lato, della industrializzazione, della gerarchizzazione e dell’anonimato dei modelli sociali e, dall’altro, della loro mistificazione ideologica (perché solo così si potrebbe ottenere il consenso nei confronti di una macchina di distruzione di tale apocalittico orrore), Jünger ha visto giusto nell’individuarne i legami di contiguità, logica e produttiva, con i meccanismi economici, sociali e politici che caratterizzano la modernità in quanto tale, anche in tempo di “pace”: che altro non è se non la tregua in attesa del riaccendersi d’un conflitto permanente.
Lo provano, fra l’altro, le evidenti analogie, riscontrate già nelle retrovie dei campi di battaglia, fra le nevrosi caratteristiche della società in tempo di pace e quelle che insorgevano nei soldati alle prese con l’esperienza diretta della guerra: nevrosi da gas, nevrosi da trincea, nevrosi da bombardamento e via di seguito.
Perfino la loro ripartizione per classi sociali riproduceva fedelmente la “distribuzione” del disagio mentale in tempo di pace: gli attacchi di ansia generalizzata, infatti, erano più diffusi tra gli ufficiali, provenienti dalle classi superiori; mentre le nevrosi “specifiche”, ad esempio quelle da gas (dopo che ebbe inizio la guerra chimica con l’attacco tedesco ad Ypres, in Belgio, nel 1915, mediante un aggressivo chimico passato alla storia, appunto, con il nome di “iprite”) erano più diffuse fra i soldati di truppa, provenienti dal proletariato.
Non aveva visto giusto, invece, Jünger - a nostro avviso - allorché confondeva lo slancio aggressivo del “soldato” con una forma di affermazione dell’individuo, addirittura dell’individuo eccezionale (al punto da teorizzare che la tattica della cosiddetta “difesa elastica”, adottata dallo Stato Maggiore dell’esercito per limitare il numero delle perdite e per facilitare l’azione manovrata di contrattacco sui fianchi, era contraria allo spirito del soldato, secondo lui naturalmente offensivo), perché non sapeva o non voleva riconoscere il carattere coercitivo della macchina militare da cui il singolo soldato totalmente dipendeva, ridotto in condizioni d’irrimediabile eteronomia.
Perciò la rivolta del “soldato” contro la massificazione era, in fondo, l’inconscia rivolta dell’uomo massificato contro se stesso: contro quella proiezione illusoria di se stesso che vestiva l’uniforme di un altro colore ed era perciò identificata con il “nemico”.
Non seppe o non volle vedere che il soldato, in una guerra moderna, cioè totale, è null’altro che un ingranaggio, anonimo e perciò sostituibile a volontà, della macchina-esercito; così come non saprà o non vorrà vedere che l’operaio, nella società moderna, altro non è che un ingranaggio, altrettanto anonimo e intercambiabile, della macchina-industria.
Molto più lucido e molto più coerente con le sue premesse individualistiche, conservatrici e tuttavia, o proprio per questo, irriducibilmente antiborghesi, è stato, secondo noi, l’ultimo Jünger, quello del Waldgänger, ossia dell’anarca che “passa al bosco” (una rivisitazione, in fondo, del “masnadiere” di schilleriana memoria) e riesce così, pur dovendo vivere nell’era dei Titani, a difendere almeno l’essenziale della propria individualità, del proprio spirito critico, della propria volontà di non sottomettersi ad un sistema omologante, che tutto abbraccia e che tutto livella con l’inesorabile efficienza produttiva della Tecnica.

Tante altre notizie su www.ariannaeditrice.it

jeudi, 10 mars 2011

Una juventud a la intemperie= Ramira Ledesma Ramos y las juventudes

Una juventud a la intemperie: Ramira Ledesma Ramos y las juventudes

Ex: http://antecedentes.wordpress.com/

[Artículo del historiador Erik Norling publicado en el número 2 de la revista Tyr, en 2003]

ramiroledesma_007.jpgSon tiempos estos los que corren donde el heroísmo y la entrega, sacrificando para ello su vida si fuera preciso, es considerado un acto de idealismo estúpido; época la nuestra en que la Juventud, en mayúscula, ha dejado de tener sentido para convertirse en una mera comparsa de la sociedad de consumo. Parece que esta edad es más una técnica de mercado. El desánimo cunde entre las filas de aquellos que aún ven, nadie cree que exista el menor resquicio por donde destruir esta desidia colectiva. Muchos se resguardan en la nostalgia y en los recuerdos de años pasados, incluso los más jóvenes que no lo vivimos nos aislamos y preferimos las glorias del pasado a la dura lucha del día a día por rescatarlo. Es más fácil.

Sin embargo no debemos olvidar que esta situación anímica no es nueva. Las mismas quejas e idéntica desolación se podía percibir en la juventud que después encarnaría la mayor revolución de la Humanidad. La generación que debió acometer la difícil tarea de enarbolar la bandera del socialismo y el nacionalismo también salían de una etapa gris y superflua, donde nada parecía tener valor. Los años de la década de los 20 y 30 no eran muy distintos, en cuanto al ánimo de una generación, que a lo que nos encontramos hoy en día, a inicios del segundo milenio. También se quejaban de la imposibilidad de destruir el Sistema, de la omnipresencia de los lobbies mediáticos, de la presión policial, del desconcierto por el derrumbe de las ideologías (derechas, izquierdas), por el imperio de la pornografía, delincuencia y drogas. Nada parecía tener sentido.

Pero, sin que se pueda acertar describirlo, esta generación reaccionó, como siempre han hecho los pueblos europeos, a diferencia de otros pueblos, cuando llegan al límite. Esta fue la Generación del fascismo. Su lección no debe ser, habernos dado imágenes para el recuerdo, no debemos buscar en ellos héroes que virilmente visten una camisa militante, sino precisamente el haber demostrado que en unos momentos de absoluta postración existe la esperanza. El ciclo en esta ocasión podrá ser más o menos largo, pero no tardará en repetirse.

Misión de la Juventud

Nuevamente las Juventudes, con el mismo sentido que la utilizara el siempre recordado Ramiro Ledesma, deben reconocerse y hallar el sentido de su época. En su Discurso a las juventudes de España, uno de los textos políticos de mayor importancia escritos en España y Europa, el fundador de las J.O.N.-S. nos da las claves para iniciar esta senda, tortuosa y sacrificada. (1) Se trata de un ensayo publicado en 1935, cuando en Europa los fascismos se establecían y en España la II República caminaba hacia el fracaso que desembocaría en la tragedia de la contienda civil. (2) Ya anteriormente Ramiro había analizado en detalle el papel de las juventudes en la futura revolución nacionalsindicalista que propugnaba desde las páginas de su semanario “La Conquista del Estado” y el boletín de formación “JONS” pero será en esta obra cuando elabore un cuerpo doctrinal cuya actualidad, ya transcurridos siete décadas desde entonces, sorprende a los lectores que se acercan a este texto.

Convencido “firmemente que el mundo entero, y de modo singular Europa, atraviesa hoy una época de amplias y grandes transformaciones” Ramiro comienza señalando el objetivo de este trabajo y quiere “plantear a nuestras juventudes la necesidad de que conviertan asimismo la revolución en revolución nacional, liberadora del pueblo y de la Patria, [...] Que ello sea así, depende sólo de que las juventudes encuentren su camino, estén a la altura de él y lo recortan militarmente.” Para ello es imprescindible unificar los dos ideales que constituyen la base de cualquier revolución, “nacionalismo social y socialismo nacionalista”:


“He aquí esas dos palancas: una, la idea nacional, la Patria como empresa histórica y como garantía de existencia histórica de todos los españoles; otra, la idea social, la economía socialista, como garantía del pan y del bienestar económico de todo el pueblo.”

El Discurso se encuentra estructurado en tres partes, aparte de la introducción y el final cuya importancia es decisiva igualmente. En la primera, el Discurso propiamente dicho, ubica adecuadamente el problema. Señala con el dedo acusador los problemas ante los cuales se enfrentan los jóvenes de ese momento, muy parecidos a los que hoy tenemos, que se resumen en una “gran pirámide egipcia de fracasos” y donde “Ante ese panorama que hay a la vista, difícilmente encontrarán las juventudes un clavo donde asirse.” La reacción que exige Ramiro es la milicia. No en el sentido de glorificar el ejército o solicitar el amparo, como se hiciera en tantas ocasiones antes, a los generales para que dieran un golpe de Estado. No, todo lo contrario pues propone a la Juventud la formación de un espíritu revolucionario y militante, “Las Juventudes de España se encuentran ahora ante este exigentísimo dilema: o militarizarse o perecer”, en el cuál se forme un ejército popular, compuesto por duros combatientes, las Juventudes, que sean capaces de lograr “la realización victoriosa de la revolución nacional”.


Una moral de combate, pero no la católica, advierte Ramiro y añade durísimas palabras que han sido en parte responsables del ostracismo de los jonsistas en el franquismo, “la confusión tradicional en torno a esto, explica gran parte de nuestra ruina”. Pletóricos de esta moral militante las Juventudes se lanzarán a la “nacionalización de las grandes masas españolas” y “de las primeras cosas por que hay que luchar es la de desarticular el orden económico vigente”, una idea que chocaba frontalmente con los que después asumirían las riendas de mandos del país durante los cuatro décadas de régimen supuestamente nacionalsindicalista.

Comienza la segunda parte del ensayo Ramiro con un análisis de su concepto de “Juventudes”, que aparece como elemento decisivo en la conformación del Mundo en las llamadas “épocas revolucionarias” como la que se vive, mientras que en las “épocas conservadoras” su papel es apenas percibido. Cuando se produce esta situación las Juventudes se transforman en “sujeto primordial de la historia” pues sólo los jóvenes son capaces de atreverse a entrar “en línea de combate”. No las ubica como un elemento nacional sino como una gran hermandad de lucha que sobrepasa las fronteras para unificar Europa.

Europa revolucionaria


Si hay una característica especial que se puede destacar en el pensamiento de Ramiro Ledesma es, precisamente, su carácter moderno y europeísta, superando los estrechos límites del nacionalismo españolista. Ciertamente reclama los “valores hispánicos” pero únicamente para retornar a Europa, la que abandonamos camino de nuestra decadencia interpreta, para recuperar nuestra gloria y papel como pueblo revolucionario.

Señala que la importancia de las Juventudes no es algo español, sino que forma parte de “la etapa final de las realizaciones revolucionarias” que encabezan el fascismo, el comunismo y el nacionalsocialismo. Lleva a cabo un profundo análisis de la crisis político-social que sufre el continente, que atribuye al cansancio de la burguesía como clase rectora que debe dejar paso a las Juventudes, para dedicar un extenso comentario a cada una de las revoluciones nacionales del momento. No puede sustraerse, como otros tantos nacional-revolucionarios de la época, de la atracción que ejerció la Rusia de Stalin, pero le recrimina haberse dejado llevar por las aspiraciones internacionalistas, abandonando el carácter nacional de la misma. Ello habría provocado que el comunismo sea ya una doctrina fallida.

Distinta visión tiene del fascismo italiano. Mussolini es un “caudillo moderno” con “mística revolucionaria”. Critica a los que creen que el fascismo es una defensa de los viejos intereses de la derecha, tal y como algunos fascistizados españoles creían, “esa interpretación del fascismo es absolutamente errónea”, pues ante todo “consistía en la ascensión de los trabajadores, en su elevación a columna fundamental del Estado nuevo.”


En cambio Ramiro, que se niega a ver el nacionalsocialismo como un plagio del fascismo italiano exigiendo “despojarlo de las calificaciones fascistas” para definirlo mejor como un “racismo socialista”. Reconoce que la revolución nacionalsocialista es admirable, pero le recrimina que únicamente esté dirigida a los alemanes y advierte del peligro de derechización de Hitler, pues cuando Ramiro escribe se están produciendo las jornadas de la “Noche de los Cuchillos Largos”, cuando fue eliminada la ala izquierdista del Partido (3). Los jonsistas sintieron simpatía por los sectores más revolucionarios del nacionalsocialismo y su eliminación, provocó no pocas dudas a Ramiro:

“¿Hasta que punto se realizará la revolución nacional alemana y qué destino le espera? Las jornadas de castigo de junio de 1934 demostraron su enorme capacidad patética y dramática. En ellas murió Strasser, el nacional-socialista más identificado con los intereses verdaderos de las grandes masas populares, y en ellas hizo su aparición por primera vez ante las juventudes el espectro de la desilusión y el desaliento.”



Durísimas palabras las que nos ofrendó Ramiro Ledesma, y proféticas. Desgraciadamente los acontecimientos posteriores, en especial la escasa influencia del jonsismo en la España del general Franco, supuso el olvido y el ostracismo de su pensamiento. Pocos fueron los jonsistas que se atrevieron a reivindicar las ideas de un hombre que exigía una revolución social y nacional frente a los que únicamente se quedaban con lo segundo, y para quienes lo primero era sospechoso de subversivo. Ahora, tras el paso de los años, Ramiro sigue vivo, sus propuestas son tan válidas como entonces, y nuevamente puede servir de luz que ilumina en las tinieblas, tal y como hiciera entonces.

No podemos, para acabar este breve repaso de uno de los textos más importantes de doctrina nacional-revolucionaria, no recordar las palabras del final del Discurso, en las que Ramiro invoca a las Juventudes a iniciar el camino que ha marcado. Y su Generación así lo hizo, él mismo caería acribillado por las del enemigo, enfrentándose a los enemigos de Europa, ¿pero seremos los jóvenes del siglo XXI capaces? o acaso la triste profecía se cumplirá:

“Este momento solemne de España en que se ventilarán sus destinos quizá para más de cien años, coincide con la época y el momento de vuestra vida en que sois jóvenes, vigorosos y temibles.

¿Podrá ocurrir que la Patria y el pueblo queden desamparados, y que no ocupen sus puestos los liberadores, los patriotas, los revolucionarios?

¿Podrá ocurrir que dentro de cuarenta o cincuenta años, estos españoles, que hoy son jóvenes y entonces serán ya ancianos, contemplen a distancia, con angustia y tristeza, cómo fue desaprovechada, cómo resultó fallida la gran coyuntura de este momento, y por ello por su cobardía, por su deserción, por su debilidad?”

En esta encrucijada nos encontramos hoy nuevamente, ¿seremos cobardes y desertores?, o ¿responderemos a la llamada de la misión histórica que nos ha correspondido? De esta Juventud depende, no sólo cómo seremos rememorados en el futuro, sino el destino mismo de Europa.


(1) La primera edición aparece en 1935, Madrid, Ediciones La Conquista del Estado. Durante el primer franquismo, con un prólogo/epílogo de su camarada Santiago Montero Díaz, se reedita en varias ocasiones entre 1938 y 1942. La edición más fácil de localizar hoy en día es la de la familia de Ramiro Ledesma, Madrid, 1981, aunque las ediciones de la posguerra son igualmente habituales en las librerías anticuarias.

(2) N.d.R.: Aconsejamos a los lectores que deseen iniciarse en la vida y obra de Ramiro Ledesma el trabajo de Erik Norling “Las JONS revolucionarias”, Barcelona, Ediciones Nueva República, 2002.

(3) El verano de 1934 se depuró a un gran número de dirigentes y cuadros del partido que se oponían a las consignas de colaboración con las derechas económicas que propugnaba el equipo de Hitler. En su mayoría se trataban de aquellos que manifestaban una posición más revolucionaria y anticapitalista. La “Noche de los Cuchillos Largos” fue el sobrenombre que la propaganda antinazi aplicó a la noche en que la mayoría fueron detenidos súbitamente y muchos ejecutados por haber conspirado.

vendredi, 04 mars 2011

NRH: L'Italie, de la chute de Rome à l'unité

Nouvelle Revue d'Histoire:

L’Italie, de la chute de Rome à l’unité

La Nouvelle Revue d’Histoire est en kiosque (n°53, mars – avril 2011). Le dossier central est consacré à l’Italie, de la chute de Rome à l’unité de 1861. On peut y lire, notamment, des articles de Jacques Heers, de Michel Ostenc (« L’Eveil du Risorgimento », « Mazzini ou le nationalisme républicain ») ou de Philippe Conrad (« Napoléon III, l’acteur essentiel ») et un entretien avec Marco Perruzi, intellectuel padanien, proche de la Ligue du Nord (« Vers une partition de l’Italie ? »).  Hors dossier, on pourra lire, en particulier, une analyse du dernier ouvrage de Pierre Manent sous la plume de Dominique Venner, un article de François Bousquet sur l’oeuvre de D.H. Lawrence, un entretien avec Bernard Lugan sur le Maroc et un entretien sur le populisme européen avec le conseiller national suisse Oskar Freysinger, ainsi que la chronique de Péroncel-Hugoz.

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Tribute to Admiral Kolchak

Tribute to Admiral Kolchak

jeudi, 03 mars 2011

Les partisans blancs

Les partisans blancs


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mercredi, 02 mars 2011

La revanche de Dieu et du roi

La revanche de Dieu et du roi

par Jean-Gilles MALLIARAKIS

Ex: http://www.insolent.fr/

110226On doit se féliciter des trois césars récompensant ce 25 février le travail de Xavier Beauvois et de son équipe (1). Deux importantes émotions cinématographiques ont, en effet, sollicité les Français ces derniers mois : "Des Hommes et des Dieux", qui retrace la marche au martyre des moines trappistes de Tibhérrine et, dans un registre bien différent, "Le Discours d'un roi". Ce dernier film évoque le destin du duc d'York, qui deviendra George VI d'Angleterre.

On peut regarder ces œuvres de plusieurs manières, bien évidemment. On leur trouvera telles qualités, tels défauts.

Si l'on se passionne par exemple pour le personnage du frère aîné, l'énigmatique et éphémère Édouard VIII, lequel ne régnera que de janvier à décembre 1936, pour sa liaison avec Wallis Simpson, jugée scandaleuse à l'époque, on trouvera peut-être un peu caricaturale la présentation du personnage. Ce prince, dans la réalité historique, s'est montré d'abord un fort courageux soldat de la première guerre mondiale. Proche du peuple, attaché à la paix, il refusera toujours, après son abdication, de servir en quoi que ce soit, les desseins des ennemis de son pays. Celle qui devint la duchesse de Windsor lui demeura fidèle, jusqu'au bout, dans l'exil.

S'il s'agit, pour le premier film, de disserter une fois de plus sur le rapport à l'islam, à l'islamisme, à l'islamo-terrorisme, pas sûr du tout qu'il faille s'aligner, du point de vue étroitement politique, sur la logique du rôle occupé, et remarquablement incarné, par Lambert Wilson.

La question qui nous préoccupe aujourd'hui tient à tout autre chose. Le succès, légitime, des deux films que je viens de citer doit certes beaucoup au talent des réalisateurs et des acteurs. Mais il correspond aussi aux questions profondes qui touchent le public. Il suggère une réhabilitation diffuse, implicite et non dite, de tout ce que le Grand Orient de France s'attache à détruire depuis le XVIIIe siècle.

Ne nous dissimulons pas en effet que, sous le nom [en partie usurpé] (2) de "francs-maçons" une secte, ouvertement athée depuis 1877, travaille à déchristianiser la France comme elle s'est employée à détruire la royauté, symbole de l'unité véritable et fédérateur de l'identité française (3).

Ce pauvre pays répond assez exactement à l'image poétique d'Ezra Pound : "Ce corps décapité qui cherche la Lumière". Certes, en deux siècles, les opérations de substitution, les ersatz de monarchie, bonapartisme et gaullisme, les faux semblants de sacré, les prétendus suppléments d'âme se sont succédés. Sans succès. La dernière incarnation du présidentialisme émané du suffrage universel pourvoit suffisamment elle-même à sa propre caricature. Inutile d'épiloguer. Victor Hugo appelait cela "les Châtiments"

L'affreuse marche des laïcards et de leur république est explicitée dans le livre d'Alfred Vigneau par un dialogue qui remonte à 1933 entre l'auteur et le grand maître de la Grande Loge de France :

« — Mon Frère Vigneau, déclarera le Grand-Maître, vous ne connaissez pas les grands secrets de la Franc-Maçonnerie : n’oubliez pas que, c’est un 33e, membre du Suprême Conseil qui vous parle ; a-t-il besoin de vous apprendre que les buts secrets de la Franc-Maçonnerie sont la déchristianisation de la France. »
Le Grand-Maître rappela que la Franc-Maçonnerie avait trois buts principaux :
«1° Venger la mort des Templiers ; mission de laquelle sont chargés les Chevaliers Kadosch, 30e grade, qui doivent exercer cette vengeance sur l’Église Catholique.
2° Abattre les frontières pour établir la République universelle, mission de laquelle sont chargés les Sublimes Princes du Royal Secret, 32e.
3° Supprimer la Famille traditionnelle pour émanciper les enfants et l’épouse selon la bonne morale laïque, buts vers lesquels tendent les Souverains Grands inspecteurs Généraux, 33e. »

Vigneau quittera la maçonnerie et publia son livre (4) l'année suivante, en 1934, où l'affaire Stavisky montre non seulement l'utilisation des réseaux de l'Ordre par des escrocs de bas étage, mais aussi l'impunité largement assurée à ceux-ci, contrairement aux lois et contrairement à toutes les règles morales.

Pour Dieu et le Roi, nous disons donc aujourd'hui "revanche", mais contrairement aux jacobins des loges maçonniques, et d'ailleurs, nous ne crierons jamais "vengeance".

JG Malliarakis


  1. Nominée dans 11 catégories, l'évocation de la marche au martyre des moines de Tibéhirine, assassinés dans l'Algérie de 1996, a obtenu, d'un jury politiquement et culturellement très correct, 3 récompenses dont celle du Meilleur Film.
  2. Dans son livre "La Voie substituée" Jean Baylot, lui-même dirigeant de la maçonnerie "traditionnelle et régulière", retrace les étapes de cette prise de pouvoir au sein des principales obédiences françaises par les adeptes du jacobinisme, en contradiction absolue avec les "constitutions d'Anderson" adoptées au début du XVIIIe siècle par la grande loge unie d'Angleterre.
  3. Dans son petit livre sur "La Franc-maçonnerie dans la révolution française" Maurice Talmeyr souligne la part des loges dans la préparation et la symbolique du séisme.
  4. cf. "La Loge maçonnique", qui vient d'être réédité.

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lundi, 28 février 2011

Breizh Atao !

Breizh Atao !

dimanche, 27 février 2011

Eurofaschismus und bürgerliche Decadenz


Benedikt Kaiser: Eurofaschismus und bürgerliche Dekadenz


Benedikt Kaiser: Eurofaschismus und bürgerliche Dekadenz
Benedikt Kaiser: Eurofaschismus und bürgerliche Dekadenz
Benedikt Kaiser: Eurofaschismus und bürgerliche Dekadenz

Europakonzeption und Gesellschaftskritik bei Pierre Drieu la Rochelle

Pierre Drieu la Rochelle (1893–1945) schied im März 1945 durch Freitod aus dem Leben. Fluchtofferten ins befreundete Ausland lehnte der französische Intellektuelle, der im Zweiten Weltkrieg mit der deutschen Besatzungsmacht kollaboriert hatte, kategorisch ab. „Man muß Verantwortung auf sich nehmen“, schrieb er kurz vor dem Suizid in seinem Geheimen Bericht.

Drieu la Rochelle war nicht nur ein gefeierter Romancier von Weltrang, er galt auch seinen Zeitgenossen als Ausnahme-intellektueller. In seinen Romanen, besonders in Die Unzulänglichen, kritisierte Drieu die Dekadenz des von ihm so verachteten Bürgertums. Parallel zum Reifungsprozeß seiner Romanprotagonisten entwickelte sich auch Drieu zum Mann der „Tat“, der „direkten Aktion“... zum Faschisten.

Die Kollaboration Drieus mit der deutschen Besatzungsmacht in Frankreich war keine Kapitulation vor dem Feinde, sondern vielmehr der Versuch, eine ideologische Front zu schmieden. Der wahre Feind sei nicht der boche, der „Deutsche“, sondern der bourgeois, der „Bürger“. Gegen die Dekadenz könne, so glaubte Drieu, nur gemeinsam vorgegangen werden: einzig ein im Faschismus geeintes Europa habe die Kraft, sich innerer Dekadenz und äußerer Feinde zu erwehren und genuin europäisch zu bleiben.

Die vorliegende Studie erkennt in Drieu la Rochelle einen modernen Europäer, der den Nationalismus hinter sich gelassen hatte. Benedikt Kaiser bettet den französischen Intellektuellen und sein Werk in den historischen Kontext der diversen europäischen Faschismen ein. Im Anhang findet sich ein Auszug aus Drieu la Rochelles Geheimem Bericht, der sein politisches Testament darstellt und das Handeln des Denkers nicht entschuldigen will, sondern es in einem letzten Akt bekräftigt.

Mit einem Vorwort von Günter Maschke!




von Günter Maschke

1. Zum Anliegen der Arbeit

1.1 Fragestellung und Methodik
1.2 Forschungsstand und Quellenkritik

2. Pierre Drieu la Rochelle und die politische Theorienbildung

2.1 Politische Biographie

2.2 Ein früher Begleiter: der „Lehrmeister“ Friedrich Nietzsche
2.3 Ideengeber Georges Sorels: décadence, Mythos, Gewalt
2.4 Charles Maurras und der integrale Nationalismus

3. Gesellschaftskritik im schriftstellerischen Werk Drieu la Rochelles

3.1 Der Frauenmann
3.2 Verträumte Bourgeoisie (Revêuse bourgeoisie)
3.3 Die Unzulänglichen (Gilles)

4. Drieus Position in der faschistischen Ideologie Frankreichs

4.1 Drieu la Rochelle und die Action Française
4.2 Verhältnis zum Partei-Faschismus: Der PPF und Jacques Doriot

5. Zwischen Engagement und Enthaltung: Drieu la Rochelle und die französischen Intellektuellen

5.1 „Feindliche Brüder“? – Die antifaschistischen Schriftsteller
5.2 Versuchung Faschismus: Von Paul Marion bis Lucien Rebatet
5.3 Die Selbstwahrnehmung Drieu la Rochelles

6. Der faschistische Traum von Europa

6.1 Eurofaschismus? Begriffsklärung eines Phänomens
6.2 Eurofaschismus unter Waffen: Der Weg Léon Degrelles
6.3 „Europe a Nation!“ – Wesen und Wollen Sir Oswald Mosleys
6.4 Europakonzeption bei Pierre Drieu la Rochelle

7. Zusammenfassung

8. Appendix

9. Literaturverzeichnis

9.1 Sekundärliteratur
9.2 Quellen

10. Abkürzungen

11. Namens- und Sachregister


In der Reihe KIGS sind des weiteren erschienen:

Kämpfer um ein drittes Reich:

Arthur Moeller van den Bruck und sein Kreis
(KIGS 2).

Dritter Weg und wahrer Staat:

Othmar Spann – Ideengeber der Konservativen Revolution
(KIGS 3).

Autor: Benedikt Kaiser
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2011
Reihe: Kieler ideengeschichtliche Studien, Band 5
Seitenzahl: 160
Abbildungen: s/w.
Bindeart: engl. Broschur (Klappenbroschur) im Großformat (14,5 x 22,5 cm)
Preis: 18,95 Euro

samedi, 26 février 2011

Principes stratégiques fondamentaux



Principes stratégiques fondamentaux

Edouard RIX

Ex: http://tpprovence.wordpress.com/ 

Si l’on estime, comme Spengler, que « la politique n’est qu’un substitut à la guerre utilisant des armes plus intellectuelles » (1), appliquer la grille de raisonnement propre à la stratégie militaire au combat politique peut s’avérer fécond.


Les grands principes en matière de stratégie militaire, sont au nombre de cinq. Le 1er, la concentration des forces, consiste à frapper avec le maximum de puissance l’ennemi, en un point choisi comme étant le plus faible de son dispositif, pour obtenir soit une percée, soit sa destruction totale. En effet, seule l’attaque du fort au faible est payante, l’attaque du fort au fort ne conduisant qu’au carnage, comme l’Histoire l’a montré. Tel fut le cas de Gettysburg en 1863, qui coûta 23 000 hommes aux Nordistes et 28 000 aux Confédérés, soit un tiers de leurs troupes. Même résultat tragique pour l’offensive anglaise de la  Somme, en juillet 1916, qui entraîna des pertes ahurissantes, la résistance allemande n’ayant pas été entamée par les tirs d’artillerie préalables : 19 240 morts le 1er jour, et plus de 600 000 jusqu’en novembre ! A noter que la concentration des forces implique la maximisation de la puissance de feu : il faut impérativement concentrer son feu pour s’assurer la destruction de l’ennemi, plutôt que de le disperser sur plusieurs cibles…

2ème grande règle, l’économie des forces, qui consiste à privilégier un objectif principal sans s’attarder sur des objectifs secondaires. La défense cherche à disperser l’attaquant, alors que ce dernier doit se concentrer sur son objectif.

3ème principe, la surprise, l’un des éléments les plus importants de la stratégie militaire. On distingue deux niveaux : la surprise stratégique, qui consiste à cacher son plan de campagne, ses objectifs et ses manœuvres; la surprise tactique qui consiste à dissimuler la marche ou la position de ses armées, un nouveau matériel ou une supériorité technique. Pour profiter pleinement de la surprise, il importe que celle-ci débouche sur un avantage décisif : on revient à la concentration des forces, car il faut à tout prix « tirer pour tuer ».

4 ème règle de base à respecter : l’unité de commandement, qui garantit la rapidité de réaction et l’intégrité du plan initialement mis en œuvre. Elle doit être entendue comme unité de pensée, que se soit entre les armes (Terre, Air, Mer) ou entre les conceptions stratégiques. Mais ce principe est rarement atteint, même au sein d’une armée nationale, encore moins entre des commandements alliés de plusieurs nations. Les Américains ont toujours su unifier leur direction, que ce soit pendant la guerre de Sécession, celle du Pacifique, ou en Europe avec Eisenhower. Le commandement interallié de Foch, nommé commandant en chef du Front de l’Ouest en mars 1918 est un autre exemple de commandement unifié voulu par les Alliés. A l’inverse, les Allemands ont, au cours des deux guerres mondiales, totalement échoué à mettre en place cette unité de commandement, que ce soit au niveau des stratégies nationales ou des armes (Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, Waffen SS).

Dernier élément, l’initiative des opérations : c’est le but essentiel de la manœuvre, qui découle de la maîtrise des autres principes stratégiques. Le camp qui dispose de l’initiative bénéficie d’un avantage moral considérable. Mais celui qui déclenche les hostilités n’est pas forcément celui qui engage les opérations : en 1939, si les Alliés surprennent Hitler en lui déclarant la guerre, ils restent sur leurs positions, abandonnant toute initiative stratégique au führer.


La bataille d’Austerlitz, menée de main de maître par Napoléon, est le meilleur exemple d’une stratégie réussie.

Apprenant la formation de la 3ème coalition, Napoléon exécute un retournement complet de son armée massée à Boulogne, qu’il envoie à Ulm battre l’Autriche, s’emparant de l’initiative stratégique. Face aux Russes et aux restes de l’armée autrichienne, il étudie soigneusement la carte de Moravie et sélectionne le site d’Austerlitz, imposant le champ de bataille aux Coalisés.

Le commandement est unitaire chez les Français. Clausewitz, fortement influencé par Napoléon, retiendra le principe du « généralissime ». A l’inverse, le conseil de guerre coalisé est bicéphale (Autriche-Russie), et le plan finalement adopté est un compromis boiteux entre les deux alliés.

Le plan de bataille français est simple et expliqué la veille aux soldats par Napoléon : il consiste à attirer l’aile gauche coalisée dans un piège en faisant reculer l’aile droite française, afin de prendre le plateau de Pratzen avec le gros des forces et, à partir de cette brèche, effectuer une manœuvre en tenaille. Au contraire, le plan des Coalisés est compliqué, exposé lors d’un interminable conseil de guerre où le maréchal Koutouzov s’endort ! Pis : les ordres sont donnés aux officiers russes au dernier moment et en allemand !

Les Français pratiquent la concentration des forces avec comme objectif principal le plateau de Pratzen. Les Coalisés se donnent plusieurs objectifs, d’où une dispersion de leurs forces qui sont battues en détail. Résultat : l’emploi des grands principes stratégiques offre sa plus grande victoire à Napoléon.


Autre exemple parlant, la campagne de France de 1940. L’avantage de l’initiative stratégique est perdu par les Alliés lors de l’invasion allemande de la Pologne, et ils ne la retrouveront plus.

L’état-major allemand fait preuve de flexibilité en changeant son plan sous l’impulsion d’Hitler. La réédition du plan Schlieffen de 1914 initialement prévu (poussée massive vers le nord de la France à travers la Belgique) est abandonné. Alors que le plan français prévoit une avance du gros des forces alliées pour contrer l’avance ennemie, les allemands attaquent la Belgique et la Hollande tandis que leurs blindés percent à Sedan, dans les Ardennes, un endroit considéré par la doctrine française comme infranchissable par les chars (cours d’eau plus massif forestier). Les Allemands exploitent à fond la surprise.

Sur l’objectif principal, Hitler concentre 7 divisions blindées, face à 7 divisions d’infanterie et 2 divisions de cavalerie légère françaises. Le principe de l’attaque du fort contre le faible est respecté, les Allemands cherchant à réaliser la percée à un point précis, le Schwerponkt, point de rupture, en l’occurrence à Sedan. Grâce à la mobilité de leurs divisions blindées, ils foncent vers la Mer du Nord et isolent le gros de l’armée alliée en Belgique par un « coup de faux ».


Ces principes stratégiques ne visant qu’un but, la victoire, il semble donc pertinent de les appliquer aussi sur un plan politique.

Incontournables, la concentration et l’économie des forces, qui consistent à frapper avec le maximum de force militante le point faible de l’adversaire politique. En 1968, Alain Robert créera le GUD en partant du constat qu’un noyau dur de militants concentrés sur un bastion universitaire valait mieux que des centaines d’adhérents éparpillés (cf Occident). Le nid de résistance, véritable Nanterre à l’envers, ne pouvait qu’être Assas, plus favorable sociologiquement. Si l’on excepte Jean-Marie Le Pen, candidat gyrovague (Paris, Auray, Marseille, Nice), tous les dirigeants du FN se sont efforcés de constituer un fief électoral inexpugnable : le couple Stirbois à Dreux, Bruno Mégret à Vitrolles, Marine Le Pen à Hénin-Beaumont. A chaque fois, l’on retrouve les mêmes ingrédients qui assurent la victoire finale : concentration des forces vives du parti sur un point faible de l’ennemi – en l’occurrence, une mairie socialiste gangrénée par l’insécurité, l’immigration et les scandales -, et au final percée électorale décisive qui ouvre une brèche dans le mur du silence politico-médiatique.

Sur le plan idéologique aussi, il s’agit de frapper du fort au faible, et sur un nombre limité d’ «objectifs ». Pour percer, un mouvement politique doit se limiter à quelques idées simples et porteuses. L’émergence du FN dans les années 80 s’explique ainsi par « la règle des trois I » : Immigration, Insécurité, Impôts. Lorsque Le Pen reniera ce triptyque, en 2007, il obtiendra son pire score présidentiel. En revanche, l’attaque du faible au fort, c’est-à-dire sur des thèmes totalement verrouillés par le Système – antisémitisme, révisionnisme – déclenche immédiatement un violent tir de barrage médiatique et relève du grand suicide politique… Lancer l’offensive sur ces forteresses puissamment défendues par 50 ans de terrorisme intellectuel, c’est faire bien peu de cas de l’élément primordial de toute stratégie : la surprise.

Autre principe à ne pas ignorer, l’unité de commandement. L’expérience a montré la supériorité du principe du chef (qui a parlé de « führerprinzip » ?…) sur une direction collégiale. Initiative nationale, mensuel du Parti des forces nouvelles, présentait deux photos, l’une de Le Pen, l’autre du bureau politique du PFN, ainsi sous-titrées : « Face à face : Président (…) et Bureau Politique. Deux conceptions de l’action » (2). L’histoire a tranché entre un leader charismatique et une direction multiple et, au final, acéphale. Alors que Le Pen persévéra dans la dénonciation du giscardisme et de la « fausse droite », les jeunes gens du PFN multiplieront les stratégies les plus variées, passant d’un soutien à VGE en 1974, à un ralliement à Chirac en 1977, puis au lancement de l’Eurodroite avec le MSI néo-fasciste !

Ces principes stratégiques théorisés par les auteurs classiques suivent ce que l’historien de l’Antiquité gréco-latine Victor D. Hanson a appelé Le modèle occidental de la guerre (3), qui repose entièrement sur la recherche de la bataille décisive, chère à Clausewitz – bataille qui doit conduire à l’écrasement de l’adversaire -, ignorant d’autres formes de guerre, comme la guerre assymétrique.

Edouard Rix, Réfléchir & Agir, automne 2010, n°36.


(1) O. Spengler, L’Homme et la technique, Gallimard, 1969, p. 120.

(2) Initiative nationale, novembre 1977, n°22, pp. 18-19.

(3) Victor D. Hanson, Le modèle occidental de la guerre, Les Belles Lettres, 2001, 298 p.


jeudi, 24 février 2011

Klansmen, Irishmen, & Nativists

Klansmen, Irishmen, & Nativists:
The Origins of Racial Nationalism in America

Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com/

The heterogeneity of America’s European population has always posed a challenge to its national identity. Only late in the nineteenth century was this identity extended to European immigrants assimilated in its Anglo-Protestant values and, in the twentieth century, to Catholics, whose Church (the “Whore of Babylon”) had learned to accommodate the Protestant contours of American life (or what John Murray Cuddihy called its “civil religion”). From this ethnogenesis, the original Anglo-Protestant identity of the American people gradually evolved into a more inclusive European Christian identity, though one closely tied to its Anglo-Protestant antecedents.

Based on this heritage, racial nationalists today define America as a European nation and designate its anti-white elites as their principal enemy.

It was, though, but in fits and starts that American whites acquired an ethnonational identity. What’s often referred to as American nationalism—the expansionist slogans of Manifest Destiny, the ideology of Anglo-Saxonism, the gunboat diplomacy of the Progressives (McKinley, T. Roosevelt, Wilson)—was more a chauvinist statism legitimating territorial expansionism and land speculation than an ideological offshoot of the country’s racial-historical life forms. The primordial concerns of the American nation were thus only tangentially represented in these imperialist movements associated with the state’s expansion.

The first genuinely post-revolutionary expression of American ethnonationalism (i.e., “nationalism in its pristine sense”) began, accordingly, with the first wave of mass immigration, in the late 1830s and “the hungry Forties,” as Irish and South German Catholics reached American shores, affronting “Anglo-Americans” with their “otherness.” The “nativists” (native born, White, Protestant Americans) opposing the new immigrants rejected the crime, public drunkenness, pauperism the Irish brought, but above all the Catholicism of both groups, for “the Church of Rome” was an anathema to a liberal nation born of the Reformation and of the struggles against the Catholic empires of Spain and France.

The nativist response was nevertheless a nuanced one recognizing the distinctions that culturally separated Irishmen from Germans. The latter, who began to outnumber the Irish only in the late 1850s, tended to be farmers and artisans. That they settled inland, away from the older coastal settlements, and engaged in respectable occupations also mitigated nativist opposition, though nativists opposed the formation of German-speaking communities, beer-drinking forms of sociability, and the Germans’ political radicalism.

The Germans nevertheless seemed assimilable, which was not the case with the Irish. The first expression of American nativism was thus largely an anti-Irish movement, for the tribal solidarity of this unbourgeois people, their aggressive rejection of Protestant culture, their whiskey drinking and pre-modern behavior, and their anti-liberal sympathy with the slave states (which nativists resented because these states closed off land to white settlement) were an offense to the country’s Anglo-Protestant culture.

This anti-Irish sentiment became especially prominent once the famine ships, with their destitute cargoes, began arriving.

The Irish, though, offended not simply the Yankees’ religious and behavioral standards, their quick exploitation of the political system offended their republican convictions. Though one of the most afflicted of Europe’s nations, Erin’s exiles were also one of the most politically “advanced.” Not only had they a long history of secret societies (such as the Defenders, Whiteboys, Ribbonmen, etc.), which had waged an underground war against English landlords and Orangemen, in the 1820s, Daniel O’Connell’s Catholic Association, “the first mass political party in history,” taught the Irish how to exploit the new electoral forms of liberal parliamentary politics in order to throw off England’s Protestant ascendancy and its genocidal Penal Laws.

In America, the politically savvy Irish (led by their priests, saloon keepers, and eloquent rebels) challenged not just Yankee folkways, but the individualistic tenor of republican governance.

The terrible age of American ethnic politics begins with the Irish.

From the 1830s through to the late 1850s, nativist opposition to Catholic, specifically Irish, immigration took the form of intercommunal strife, the proliferation of anti-immigrant associations, and, then in 1854, the establishment of a national political party—the American Party (known as the “Know-Nothings”)—which, for a time, became a refuge for abolitionist and free-soil opponents of Southern slavery who had broken with the Whig party but not yet affiliated with the newly formed Republican party. (That is, this nativist party was partly the creation of those who now seek our destruction as a people.)

The Know Nothings held that Protestantism was an essential component of American identity; that Catholicism’s “autocratic” Pope and Church hierarchy were incompatible with republican self-rule; that Catholics had acquired undue political advantage; and that a longer, more thorough process of naturalization (Americanization) was necessary for the acquisition of citizenship. More fundamentally, it gave expression to the deep reservation which Anglo-American Protestants had about allowing their country to be overrun by Catholic immigrants.

Like most future manifestations of American racial nationalism (though they lacked a genuinely racial dimension), the Know Nothings were moved by a populist distrust of the state and the established political parties, which were seen as indifferent to the ethnocommunal identity of native whites.

Within but a year of its founding, the American Party succeeded in electing eight state governors, more than a hundred Congressmen, the mayors of Boston, Philadelphia, and Chicago, and thousands of local officials. Its future looked bright.

But the party fell almost as rapidly as it rose, having been swept up and then forced off the political stage by powerful sectional conflicts related to slavery and the preservation of the Union.

Its struggle for an Anglo-Protestant America in the 1850s nevertheless represented the first bloom of American nationalism in its blood-and-soil stage (somewhat earlier than other European nationalisms, which were still at the liberal political stage). As such, it resisted a political system privileging economics over community, opportunity over belief, and a liberal over a biocultural understanding of American life.

Though race was not an issue, religion, culture, and an endogamous sense of community were—issues that are preeminently ethnonationalist. Nativism became, as such, the foundation upon which the future defense of European life in America would be waged—for in however rudimentary and unfocused a way, it defended the American nation as an Anglo-Protestant community of descent, not a political entity based on an abstract ideological or creedal notion of nationality opened to all the world. (We Irish, supreme irony, have, as any roll of white nationalist ranks reveals, become the foremost exponent of this view today.)

The racial component of this biocultural definition of the nation did, though, soon come into its own—in the anti-Chinese movement that dominated California politics in the half century following the Gold Rush (1848).

As European immigrants, native Americans, and the first Chinese made their way to California in this period, so too did racial conflict—though conflict here would not be between natives and immigrants, but between Occidentals and Orientals, White against Yellow.

Standing together against the first Chinese arrivals—and to the swarming millions threatening to follow in their wake—native Americans and Irish Catholics discovered their common racial identity.

Almost from the start, they recognized the joint stake they had in opposing a people which worked at half the white man’s wage, retained their alien clothes, customs, and language, practiced a “heathen” religion, and created distinct, over-crowded, dirty, and often self-contained communities associated with vice and disease.

Comprising more than a fifth of the California labor force in the 1870s, these Chinese newcomers, with their low living standards and servile conditions, were seen as threatening not just the racial definition of the nation, but the American way of life—the prevailing standard for what it meant to be a free white man—and, ultimately, white civilization.

In such a situation, white solidarity was paramount—which meant that, in face of the Yellow Hordes, religious differences dividing Protestant natives and Catholic immigrants in the antebellum period had to be superseded.

Accused of cheapening labor and introducing foreign elements in the East, the Irish were now welcomed into California nativist ranks—as whites facing a common threat—and, accordingly, they came to play a leading role—perhaps the leading role—in spearheading the trade-union, political, and communal opposition to the Chinese.

The extent of white solidarity in the popular classes was such that it spurred numerous official and unofficial measures to restrict Chinese participation in the economy and in other realms of American life.

As early as the 1850s, local and state laws were passed to limit the type of jobs the Chinese could work, the land they could own, and the schools their children could attend, while white, especially Irish, workingmen not infrequently resorted to violence to drive them from certain trades and neighborhoods. In mining, logging, and construction, the Chinese were forced out entirely and in numerous small towns throughout California and the Northwest, Chinese communities were abandoned in face of angry white mobs.

Then, in the late 1870s, in a period of economic crisis, a Workingmen’s Party, led by an Irish demagogue, Denis Kearney, was formed in San Francisco.

Its principal slogan was “The Chinese must go.”

Supported by a mass network of “anti-coolie clubs” and trade unions, the party became the chief vehicle for the cause of Chinese exclusion.

The state organization of the two established national parties, the Democrats and the Republicans, each, for the sake of appeasing the pervasive anti-Chinese sentiment the Workingmen represented, were forced to support its exclusionist policies.

But more than transcending religious and political differences between closely related whites, the Chinese exclusion movement took aim at those large-scale corporate interests (primarily the railroads) responsible for importing Chinese contract labor and using it as leverage against white workers.

In frequent sand-lot demonstrations and in broadsheets, the movement, buttressed by large crowds of male workers, warned the monied men of Judge Lynch, targeting not just alien, but native threats to the nation’s bioculture.

Its slogan—“We want no slaves or aristocrats”—was an “egalitarian” affirmation of the existing racial hierarchy, and of the right of white men to the ownership of the land their people had conquered and created.

The movement’s achievements were momentous. For the first time in modern history, national legislation (to supplant the less effective immigration law of 1790) was passed to prevent non-whites from entering the United States and preventing those already within its borders from setting down roots.

White workers, supported by their trade unions, workingmen associations, and other organized expressions of white power, succeeded in frustrating capitalist and official efforts to change the country’s demographic character. White racial solidarity, at this stage, triumphed over those differences that stemmed from the religious wars of the Reformation.

Racially consciousness, populist, and at times anti-capitalist, the anti-Chinese movement of the 1870s (whose spirit, incidentally, lived on in the national-socialist novels of Jack London) succeeded in preserving the American West as a white Lebens-raum. As I see it (and I see it from both from an Irish and American perspective), it represents the single greatest movement of White America

The third great formative influence affecting the shape of American racial nationalism—though a step back from the anti-Chinese movement—came during the First World War.

The Ku Klux Klan, which had emerged after Appomattox to defend Southern whites from Negro aggression and the Yankee military occupation, was re-organized in 1915 to address certain changes in American life.

Like the European fascist movements of the interwar period, this “Second Klan” constituted a mass populist reaction to the war’s radical cultural/social dislocations.

The war had imbued the central government with unprecedented powers, enabling it to encroach on local communities in ways previously unknown; the recently founded Federal Reserve, in charge of the money supply, and the growing influence of Wall Street and the great corporations assumed an influence in national life that seemed to come at the expense of independent entrepreneurs and “the little men.” At the same time, the war effort assaulted the existing racial, familial, and moral hierarchies.

Blacks in this period acquired a foothold in northern industries and discharged Negro soldiers, “after having seen Paris,” were no longer willing to tolerate their caste status. The year 1919 was accordingly one of unprecedented racial violence, as Negroes challenging the existing system of race relations set off bloody riots in 26 urban centers.

In the same period, the middle-class family came under attack. Suffragettes carried the day with the 19th Amendment, a “new women,” promoted by advertisers and by Hollywood, questioned conventional “gender” relations, divorce rates suddenly shot up, and children were increasingly exposed to anti-traditionalist influences.

Finally, there was the specter of Bolshevism, which appealed to the unassimilated communities of recently arrived Eastern and Southern European immigrants (only 10 percent of the CPUSA membership could speak English by the mid-1920s) and assumed a menacing form in the great industrial conflicts that swept up more than a fifth of the national workforce.

On every front, then, it seemed as if small-town, rural, and middle-class White America was in retreat.

But not before making a last—and, for a generation, successful—stand in its defense, for within a decade of its founding, the Klan had rallied 5 million members to its ranks, penetrating local and national power-structures as few other anti-liberal movements in US history.

Comprised of white, native-born, anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic, and anti-Jewish elements, particularly in the South and the Midwest, this “Second Klan” saw itself as an “army of Protestant Americans.” As such, it sought to defend “pure Americanism, old-time religion, and conventional Protestant morality”—in the process reviving those religious issues that had earlier divided whites along sectarian lines (like in the 1850s), yet at the same time attempting to preserve the hegemony of Anglo-Protestants against the forces seeking to subvert the nation’s historic ethnic core.

To the degree the Klan was more sectarian than racial, favoring the conformist, materialist, and philistine elements in American life, it was a step back from the white consciousness of the anti-Chinese movement. (A similar phenomenon occurred after the Second World War among recently assimilated, often Catholic, immigrants, whose support for Joseph McCarthy was part of a more general effort to demonstrate that the “Americanism” of the “old immigrants,” largely Irish and German, was superior to that of the established but liberal and cosmopolitan Anglo-Protestant elite).

The Klan (like McCarthyism) was nevertheless not entirely the “reactionary” movement that academic historians make of it, for like its European counterpart, it was both traditionalist and populist, favoring measures that were anti-liberal, anti-cosmopolitan, and anti-egalitarian in spirit but by no means regressive.

In this capacity, it forced the government to close the border to immigration, it beat back the black assault on white hegemony, it let the wheeler-dealers in Washington and New York know that their “progressive policies” would not go unchallenged in the Heartland, and it acted as a moral bulwark against the permissive forces of Hollywood and Madison Avenue.

Above all, it upheld a racial standard for American existence.

Only in the late 1920s, after successfully preserving many traditional areas of American life that might otherwise had succumbed to the race-mixing modernism of the postwar “Jazz Age” did the movement finally subside in face of the economic breakdown of the 1930s.

* * *

The history of American racial nationalism, as exemplified by the Second Klan, the Chinese exclusion movement, and the early nativists, is a history whose legacy has, in the last half century, been squandered and suppressed by the elites now controlling American destinies.

Yet this is the legacy that the heirs of European-America today, if they are to survive, need to reclaim.

For this history confirms them in their belief that the popular classes in America have always rejected the creedal definition of the nation; that they refused to allow their society and territory to be overrun by non-whites; and that divisive sectarian issues (between Protestants and Catholics, leftists and rightists, modernists and traditionalists, etc.) served only the interest of their enemies.

Most of all, this heritage of American ethnonationalism calls on whites today, in this era of their dispossession, to defend the racial-cultural-civilizational “nation” to which they once belonged and which, if regained, might again distinguish them from the world’s less favored races.

mercredi, 23 février 2011

Le kémalisme, parenthèse de l'histoire turque


Le kémalisme, parenthèse de l'histoire turque
Ex: http://realpolitik.tv/
Voici ce que j’écrivais il y a plus de 3 ans dans Valeurs actuelles, à propos de la Turquie et plus généralement des expériences modernisatrices dans le monde musulman. L’analyse insiste sur la question de l’identité islamique qui continue d’être occultée dans les analyses dominantes des médias lesquels se font plaisir en affirmant que les peuples tunisien et égyptien rêvent de devenir comme nous. Il faudrait ajouter à cet article centré sur l’aspect identitaire, la dimension économique. La hausse des prix des matières premières a souvent été le facteur déclencheur de révolution lorsque les conditions d’épuisement du régime politique étaient arrivées à maturité.
Article paru dans Valeurs actuelles en 2007

Depuis plus de dix ans maintenant, le parti fondé par Mustapha Kemal, instrument de la laïcisation et plus largement de l’occidentalisation de la société turque, est écarté du pouvoir au profit des islamistes.

La question fondamentale que les Européens doivent alors se poser est la suivante : est-ce l’islam politique qui apparaîtra un jour comme une courte parenthèse de l’histoire de la Turquie moderne, ou est-ce au contraire la modernité kémaliste qui sera digérée par la « longue durée » de l’islam turc ?

Depuis leur entrée dans l’islam, les destins des aires culturelles turque, iranienne et arabe sont plus que jamais liés. Au XXème siècle, ces trois mondes ont tenté de s’occidentaliser en faisant reculer l’emprise de l’islam sur leur société civile. Ils vivent désormais, en décalage, la crise des idées modernes venues d’Europe.

L’Iran, avec la Révolution islamique de 1979, a rejeté l’occidentalisation à marche forcée voulue par le Shah ; au point d’amener des courants nationalistes, religieux et marxistes à se liguer autant contre le retour à l’Iran préislamique que contre la projection dans la modernité occidentale. La Révolution s’étant faite dans un contexte de développement accéléré (le PIB par habitant est passé de 176 à 2160 dollars entre 1963 et 1977), sa principale cause est donc identitaire : la majorité des Iraniens a considéré que l’islam était indissociable de l’identité nationale iranienne.

Le monde arabe aussi, soulevé par les Nasser, Saddam Hussein et Yasser Arafat, est également revenu à l’islamisme. L’échec des chefs nationalistes arabes face à l’alliance américano-israélienne, la corruption des élites et l’argent saoudien expliquent l’effondrement du panarabisme. On oublie souvent que ce nationalisme arabe, semé par l’Expédition d’Égypte de 1798, et qui emprunta tant aux théoriciens français et allemands du nationalisme, fut largement la conséquence de la levée des Jeunes Turcs contre l’ottomanisme.

Les unes après les autres donc, les expériences modernes du monde musulman s’effondrent et, même si les choses s’y font plus lentement et plus calmement, la Turquie n’échappe pas à ce retour à l’identité islamique, pas plus d’ailleurs que l’immigration musulmane d’Europe occidentale.

Pour le comprendre, il faut revenir aux causes du surgissement des idéologies modernisatrices en terre d’islam.

A l’origine, il y a la prise de conscience par le monde musulman que la religion islamique, venue après les « premières prophéties juive et chrétienne » et jusqu’alors en tête de la course à la puissance, est en train de perdre la direction de l’histoire.

Au XVIème siècle, l’ouverture des routes maritimes et la découverte de l’Amérique privent le monde musulman de sa qualité de centre incontournable du commerce mondial.

Entré dans le déclin, l’islam doit désormais se demander pourquoi. Une partie de ses intellectuels accepte alors de se rendre à l’évidence : c’est la place privilégiée de la raison dans leur religion qui a donné aux Européens un tel avantage.
Il faut donc accepter au XVIIème siècle ce qui n’a jamais été accepté avant : ouvrir une fenêtre sur la modernité européenne. Jusque-là, l’islam n’a toléré qu’une (modeste) intrusion de la philosophie grecque préchrétienne dans son système de pensée. Désormais, il lui faut apprendre de ceux qu’il juge inférieurs, les Chrétiens.

Mais la modernité n’est admise qu’en tant que moyen de redevenir plus fort que l’Occident chrétien, non en tant que fin. On lui emprunte des éléments, mais sans adhérer au changement de perspective qu’elle contient, car alors cela signifierait une altération de l’islam.

Cette réalité historique que nos élites ne veulent pas voir est à la fois simple et terrible : le mouvement d’occidentalisation en Turquie, comme dans le reste du monde musulman, trouve sa source dans la volonté de retrouver la supériorité militaire face à l’Occident en progrès.

C’est ce qui explique que la laïcité turque n’en est pas réellement une et que le kémalisme apparaîtra un jour comme un épiphénomène de l’histoire de la civilisation turco-islamique.

On a ainsi pour habitude d’opposer, à propos de la Turquie, les partisans de la laïcité à ceux de l’islamisme. Soit, mais si la « Turquie moderne » est réellement moderne, comment expliquer l’acharnement constant de son État à faire disparaître ses minorités chrétiennes ?

Les médias parlent des assassinats de plus en plus fréquents de prédicateurs chrétiens afin de souligner qu’ils ne sont que l’expression marginale d’une frange minoritaire de radicaux, d’ailleurs condamnée par les tribunaux turcs. Mais ils passent sous silence le fait que ces même tribunaux intentent des procès aux musulmans qui se convertissent au christianisme, pour « insulte à la turcité ». Un pays où la conversion est punie par la loi est-il vraiment un pays laïc ?

Faut-il rappeler aussi, au risque de choquer, qu’après les sultans ottomans, le premier président de la Turquie moderne, comme les forces turques débarquant à Chypre en 1974, eurent droit à la qualification de « gazi » ? Ce terme honorifique qui vient de l’arabe « ghaziya » ne fait-il pas écho à la « glorieuse » époque des incursions à des fins de conquête, de pillage ou de captures d’esclaves, que pratiquaient les partisans du Prophète Mahomet ?

L’État turc est laïc parce qu’il n’est pas théocratique : ce ne sont pas des religieux qui le dirigent et la sphère politique y a gagné, grâce à Atatürk, une certaine autonomie. Pour autant, l’État turc reste bien le garant de l’identité musulmane du pays et de la propagation de l’islam à l’étranger, comme le montre son soutien à des groupes islamiques radicaux dans les Balkans, ou dans cet immense Turkestan d’Asie centrale.

« Mais les islamistes sont des démocrates ! » s’écrient certains en Occident. Ils « vaudraient même plus » que ces militaires turcs héritiers de ce jacobinisme autoritaire qu’est le kémalisme.

Logique ! Dans tous les pays musulmans les islamistes sont aujourd’hui majoritaires face à des gouvernements occidentalistes qui, menacés, « verrouillent », à des degrés divers, le champ politique. En faisant pression sur ces gouvernements modernisateurs mais autoritaires, les Européens ne font qu’accélérer la prise de pouvoir des islamistes, leurs véritables ennemis.

Hier les mouvements occidentalistes du monde musulman tentèrent de se servir de notre modernité pour redevenir plus forts que nous ; aujourd’hui, les islamistes tentent de se servir de nos idées démocratiques pour arriver au pouvoir et y appliquer leur programme de désoccidentalisation radicale, avec un seul et même objectif, obsessionnel : la revanche sur l’Occident.

Aymeric Chauprade

What is the American Nation?

What is the American Nation?

Michael O'Meara

Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com/

minuteman%20funky%20clouds.jpgThe following is part of a larger series of articles that was written for an audience of French “revolutionary nationalists” whose image of America is almost categorically negative. Its ostensible aim was to highlight the positive in the heritage we White Nationalists claim. But at a deeper level, it was also an effort to convince myself that America has not been a historical disaster for the white race. The negative interpretation opposed here can be found in the chapter “Anti-Europe” in my New Culture, New Right: Anti-Liberalism in Postmodern Europe.

In the United States, the closest thing to Europe’s “new revolutionary nationalism”—which designates liberalism’s cosmopolitan plutocracy as Europe’s chief enemy, resists the de-Europeanization of its capital, population, and territory, and identifies with a biocultural vision of Magna Europa rather than the 19th-century nation-state—is “White Nationalism.” Though a marginal force on the American political scene (theoretically deficient, fragmented into scores of tiny organizations, and with a greater presence in cyberspace than in the public sphere), it nevertheless wages the same fight as its European counterpart and, on the most decisive issue, race, is considerably more advanced. In this spirit, it takes its stand with the “Old America” that is the counter-part to Bush’s “Old Europe,” it considers its people part of Europe’s biosphere, and opposes not just the present Hebraicized administration in Washington, but the anti-White impetus of “the American century.”

Fundamental to White nationalism is the understanding that, historically, America was not a melting pot, but a settler nation: hence a European transplant. Its original settlers (all of whom were Protestant, but not exclusively Puritan or Calvinist) may have had an ambivalent attitude to the Europe they left behind, but they had no intention of shedding their European being for the sake of mixing with races and cultures unlike their own. Their identity as such was rooted in distinctly European life forms, which were opposed to those of the country’s aboriginals and to its imported Black slaves. Specifically, this identity was an Anglo-Protestant one adapted to the nativist environment of colonial America.

At the time of the revolution, 80 percent of the population was of Anglo-Protestant descent. Of the remaining 20 percent, most were Dutch, German, and Swedish, all of whom were Protestant and easily assimilated into the original core population. Only one percent of its people, mainly of French Canadian and Irish origin, was Catholic. The country’s institutions were accordingly reflective of the values and beliefs of its transplanted Anglo-Protestant settlers, just as the state’s republican ideology and the producerist ideology of its popular classes were in harmony with its specific ethnic disposition.

At the time of revolution, the country’s national identity was still an embryonic one. The loyalties of the revolutionary generation were more to the individual colonies that had become states, such as Virginia and Massachusetts, than to the federal republic established in 1789. But despite the absence of a strong state, informed by tradition and aristocracy, the American polity was not simply the cultureless, economic enterprise that certain Nouvelles Droitistes make it out to be and it was certainly not the “nation of nations,” “the first universal nation,” or “the proposition nation” that our virtualist-minded anti-White elites insist on.

Even in this early period there existed an American national identity, buttressed by several hundred years of history; and by the development of specifically American institutions based on instincts of racial superiority and self-reliance; by conflicts with the British crown, which caused its people to see itself as a transplanted nation of Anglo-Protestant descent (though one imbued with freedoms Englishmen had allegedly lost during the Norman Conquest); but above all by an ethnic or biocultural identity rooted in the North European, specifically British (that is, Celt, Norse, and Saxon) stocks of the country’s settlers.

America, thus, may have lacked Europe’s ancient genealogy, cultural legacy, rooted, territorial sense, and distinct ethnic consciousness, but its people spoke a European language, practiced a European religion, had a history informed by European symbols and themes, represented a fusion of European racial stocks, and felt their North European identity to be the defining part of their individual and collective identity. Until quite recently, as Jared Taylor argues, “America was a self consciously European, majority-white nation.”

Accordingly, the Americanized Englishmen who declared their political independence in the late 18th century did not simultaneously declare their autonomy from Europe’s ethnoracial identity. The liberal ideals of the revolutionary generation, in any case, were soon superseded by a Romantic emphasis on the particularisms and “special inner characteristics” of its people—a Romanticism that betrayed the new republic’s rationalist or Enlightenment premises. To these Indian-fighters, slavers, borderland Celts, and Texas revolutionaries, whose physical proximity to non-Whites had a powerful effect in enhancing their racial identity, it was obvious that the world’s peoples lacked the innate capacity to share in “the free government, power, and prosperity of the United States.”

What Tocqueville called the “Anglo-Americans” had not the slightest intention of extending their liberties to Indians or Negroes, nor even to those White men whose (Catholic) religion and (Irish clannish) temperament seemed to disqualify them for republican government. America’s founding liberal principles were, in fact, little more than the ideological gloss of the country’s Anglo-Protestant life forms.

Despite the Calvinist conceit of believing itself “chosen,” America’s political principles had universal import only in the most vacuous theoretical sense. For example, the Puritan vision of America was less a call to world reform than an affirmation of its uniqueness and superiority. And though the principles of American republicanism have since been re-interpreted to justify the present de-Europeanization, this was neither the intention of the Founders nor that of the country’s settlers, for their republic was preeminently a Herrenvolk democracy — germane not to humanity, but to the “historical humanity” that was White America.

In this vein, the US Constitution, which contemporary liberals have re-interpreted for the sake of their multiracial utopia, defended the institution of slavery and posited that a Black’s worth was only 60 percent of a White. The first Congress (1790) voted that only Whites could be naturalized as citizens. And even after the Civil War, the granting of basic civil rights to former negro slaves, as Sam Francis points out, had “nothing to do with voting, holding political office, sitting on juries, intermarriage, getting a job or being promoted . . . which is what civil rights have come to mean today.”

White immigrants were assimilated into the founding stock only after they (or their children) shed the cultural-linguistic identities that separated them from native Whites. As late as the Kennedy Administration (1960), the nationally conscious Irish, the first immigrant group, were still not fully assimilated. The so-called “melting pot” (a 20th-century concept invented by a cosmopolitan “Englishmen,” Israel Zangwill) was similarly selective, accepting only White immigrants as possible Americans (though it did mistakenly think that Jews from European countries were European).

Moreover, this racially defined identity was the legacy of both the popular classes and the country’s ruling elites. For example, Thomas Jefferson, who in a fit of Enlightenment enthusiasm included the phase “all men are created equal” in the Declaration of Independence, never — not for a moment — thought of extending equal rights to Negroes; Abraham Lincoln, the two faced Whig pioneer of the liberal leviathan, wanted to repatriate Blacks back to Africa; and the great liberal crusader, Woodrow Wilson, was an ardent segregationist who thought his cherished “democracy” inappropriate to all but Whites. Until the postwar period, White Americans of virtually every class and denomination saw themselves not as an amalgam of humanity, but as an American nativist variant of Europe’s white Christian nations. The racial vision of America which White nationalists today defend against the anti-European regimes in Washington, London, and Tel Aviv was actually the prevailing vision for most Americans for most of their history.

The racially selective character of America’s republican, and especially egalitarian, rhetoric, was indisputably evident in the country’s enslavement of Negroes, its extermination and/or ethnic cleansing of the aboriginal population, its territorial expansion at the expense of mestizo Mexico, and its effort to prevent Chinese and Japanese immigration. Its racial identity was so deeply rooted in the emerging national consciousness that it imbued Anglo-Americans with the confidence to assimilate different White ethnicities.

In the latter half of the 19th century, as European immigration and intermarriage demoted the prevalence of the British elements and the reigning spirit of American Anglo-Saxonism diminished the immigrants’ attachment to their past, American identity gradually extended beyond its original Anglo-Protestant core to become a European-American Christian identity. Race as such remained primary, for only on the basis of the immigrants’ racial compatibility with Anglo-Americans were they able to assimilate. The later advent of Black nationalism, as Walker Connor argues, testifies to the fact that American nationalism has always been a White nationalism. By the same token, the state’s new-found multicultural ideology inadvertently acknowledges that the historical forms of American identity are incompatible with non-European races and cultures.

From the time of the revolution until the beginning of the Civil Rights revolution (1956), American nationality was articulated almost exclusively in terms of three mutually reinforcing influences: an Anglo-European racial identity, Protestantism, and republicanism. The latter, it needs stressing, owed less to 18th-century liberalism than to the character of Anglo American society, whose small proprietors and farmers defined themselves in terms of self-sufficiency, relative equality, and self-rule.

Though the corporate capitalism and New Class managerialism today stifling this self-sufficiency grew out of the country’s liberal postulates, this was only one (however consequential) of its manifestations, for Anglo Protestant culture also nurtured a conservative, traditionalist, and authoritarian dimension opposed to much of what presently passes for “Americanism,” (just as the feminist, homophile, and ethnomasochistic beliefs of today’s mainstream Protestant denominations would have shocked earlier generations of Protestants). The Reformation heresies that prompted America’s Low Church settlers to accept the Bible’s inerrancy and uphold a literal interpretation of scripture also compelled them to spurn the behavioral, moral, and social principles of a purely materialist society of individualist gratification. Though this type of Protestantism engendered (or expressed) that “spirit of independence, self-reliance, and freedom” which accompanied the rise of capitalism in Northern European and today encourages the cosmopolitan nihilism of the existing order, at the same time its original impetus rejected an indifferent, massifying capitalism destructive of community and morality. In this spirit, it upheld hierarchy, authority, and tradition, opposed modern feudalism (corporate capitalism) and its verso, mob democracy (Communism), privileged the centrality of family, community, and mutuality, and cultivated behaviors and social structures supportive of a communally responsible rather than an atomized individuality.

In a conscious effort to re-engineer the character of the American people, the ruling Judeo-oligarchy has re-christened the republican component of traditional American identity the “American Creed” and made it the sole legitimate basis of American nationality — as if being an American were merely a matter of subscribing to a certain liberal beliefs. Divested of its racial-cultural grounding, and the political responsibilities it once entailed, the liberal, cosmopolitan, and globalist implications of this so-called creed is now used to legitimate the multiracial pluralism that presently assaults the nation’s European heritage. For at least the last two generations, the country’s elites have waged a merciless war on the ethnonational interests of America’s Whites, who are treated with “mingled scorn and apprehension” for hampering the country’s transformation into an economically efficient Brazil.

But if America for racial nationalists is preeminently a European country, it is — admittedly — “also something less than Europe. As a settler nation, America was founded and remains, to use Georges Dumézil’s term, a country of the “Third Function.” Lacking the warrior and priestly functions of its motherland and centered on the productive/reproductive activities of the lowest order, the American people traditionally immersed themselves in economic and mundane activities devoid of High Cultural possibility.

It would be exaggerated, though, to claim, as certain Europeans have, that this emphasis on economics (with its accompanying values of hard work, self reliance, and technical efficiency) made Americans somehow un-European. A middle-class country of the Third Function, America materialistically thrived in the technoeconomic realm. This may have left its culturally-impoverished society of self-made men something less than Europe — but hardly un-European.

While the country’s economic and materialist passions rendered its people vulnerable to the machinations of plutocrats and monopolists, bankers and corporate barons, and, above all, Jewish peddlers and illusionists, this, alas, has been the fate of White people worldwide. In America’s defense it should be emphasized that until the postwar era, when the state and the dominant institutions fell into the hands of corporate managers, social engineers, and alien interests, its popular history was very much a history of struggle against the great economic powers, as these powers endeavored to subordinate the nation to those systemic imperatives threatening the economic self-sufficiency and biocultural identity of its large middle class.

This is evident in the history of Jacksonian producerism, the nativism of the 1840s and ‘50s, the Confederate insurgency of the 1860s, the struggle against Chinese immigration in California in the 1870s, the populist revolt of Midwestern and Southern farmers in the 1880s and ‘90s, the bitter labor wars of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the rise of the Second Klan in the 1920s, Father Coughlin’s Social Justice movement in the 1930s, etc.

Though lacking an established church and an aristocracy (the First and Second Functions), even here the European racial spirit influenced the formation of the American nation. The yeoman farmers making up the ranks of the Minute Men who bloodied Britain’s imperial troops at Lexington and Concord, the gentlemen warriors like Nathanael Greene, Anthony Wayne, and George Washington who led the revolutionary armies, the Anglo-Celtic frontiersmen and colonists of the Texas Revolution who triumph over massively larger Mexican forces, the gallant Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson of the Confederacy, even George Patton of World War II fame, all these figures stand in the tradition of European arms and are tributes not just to America, but to the warrior spirit of their ancestral homeland.

Moreover, whatever High Culture Americans have known has been European. Disneyland may be the contemporary emblem of America’s Culture Industry, but its relationship to American life is as contrived as is Hollywood’s. The composers, philosophers, and great artists animating the higher reaches of American life have always been European. The few great men of literary stature they have produced— Edgar Allen Poe, T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Henry James, Jack London, William Faulkner — belong to Europe’s Pantheon and are recognized as such. Only an intellectual sleight of hand can justify the argument that the American people are not an organic (however culturally hybrid) expression of Europe’s life-world.

Perhaps more to the point, the growth of the American republic ought to be seen as one of the great feats of modern history, for, from its origins as a small outpost on the outer edge of Western Civilization, it grew, in a remarkably short period, into a great power. Given the prominence of its Third Function, much of course was lost in this process, for America lacked the depths of its motherland, retained a weak grasp of history and tradition, and never developed a political class capable of sustaining its political ideals. Yet beyond the shallow, often philistine character this cultural paucity imparted to American life, the European settlement of North America represented an unprecedented manifestation of Nietzsche’s will to power — an untamed life force — that had transformed a vast wilderness into a flourishing extension of the European life world.

Against those transatlantic critics whose grand pronouncements are based on their familiarity with Los Angeles or New York (both of which have ceased to be American cities), it needs stressing that no White nationalist fails to honor Europe or to distinguish himself from its heirs. His opposition to the New Class, war-mongering, and Zionist hegemonism of the country’s deracinated elites stems, in fact, from his commitment to Europe’s biocultural heritage. This heritage, as such, informs virtually every significant facet of the country’s racial nationalism.

mardi, 22 février 2011

Bernard Lugan: la différence entre le Maroc et l'Algérie

Bernard Lugan:

la différence entre le Maroc et l'Algérie


lundi, 21 février 2011

Bernard Lugan: l'avenir de l'Europe: la guerre?

Bernard Lugan: l'avenir de l'Europe: la guerre!

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samedi, 12 février 2011

Nazisme et révolution


À propos de Fabrice Bouthillon, Nazisme et Révolution. Histoire théologique du national-socialisme. 1789-1989 (Fayard, coll. Commentaire, 2011).

 «Que vienne à paraître un homme, ayant le naturel qu’il faut, et voilà que par lui, tout cela est secoué, mis en pièces : il s’échappe, il foule aux pieds nos formules, nos sorcelleries, nos incantations, et ces lois, qui, toutes sans exception, sont contraires à la nature. Notre esclave s’est insurgé, et s’est révélé maître.»
Platon, Gorgias, 483d-484a.

Ex: http://stalker.hautetfort.com/

Finalement, le lecteur pressé ou le journaliste n'auront pas besoin de lire de sa première à sa dernière page le curieux essai* de Fabrice Bouthillon puisque, dès la première ligne du livre, la thèse de l'auteur est condensée en une seule phrase : «Le nazisme a été la réponse de l’histoire allemande à la question que lui avait posée la révolution française» (p. 11). À proprement parler, cette thèse n'est pas franchement une nouveauté puisque Jacques Droz, dans L’Allemagne et la Révolution française, sur les brisées d'un Stern ou d'un Gooch, l'avait déjà illustrée en 1950, en montrant comment la Révolution française avait influencé quelques-uns des grands courants d'idées qui, comme le romantisme selon cet auteur, ont abouti à la déhiscence puis au triomphe du Troisième Reich.
La thèse de Bouthillon est, quoi qu'il en soit, fort simple, ses détracteurs diront simpliste (voire tout bonnement fausse) et ses thuriféraires, évidente sinon lumineuse : «À Paris en 1789, le contrat social européen se déchire, la Gauche et la Droite se définissent et se séparent. La béance qui en était résultée était demeurée ouverte depuis lors. Sur la fin du XIXe siècle, le conflit mondial qui commençait à se profiler semblait devoir l’approfondir encore» (p. 77).
Le constat est imparable, le travail de démonstration peut-être moins, sauf dans les tout derniers chapitres de l'ouvrage de Bouthillon, de loin les plus intéressants. Les coups contre la Gauche pleuvent ainsi dans l'ouvrage de Fabrice Bouthillon, qu'il s'agisse de critiques radicales, touchant ses plus profondes assises intellectuelles ou bien de rapprochements, assez faciles à faire il est vrai, entre celle-ci et le nazisme. Ainsi, s'appuyant sur une lecture contre-révolutionnaire de l'histoire, Fabrice Bouthillon peut écrire, fort justement, que : «L’idée, essentielle à la démarche de toute Gauche, d’un homme hors de tout contrat, d’un homme dans l’état de nature, est donc une pure contradiction dans les termes. La nature de l’homme, c’est la société; pour l’humanité, la nature, c’est la culture. Et voilà pourquoi la politique révolutionnaire cherche à s’élaborer sur un fondement qui doit forcément lui manquer : il n’est pas au pouvoir des hommes d’instituer l’humanité; la politique n’est pas quelque chose que l’homme pourrait constituer, mais qui le constitue. La fondation de la Cité, de la politique, de l’humanité, exigerait des forces supérieures aux forces humaines; or les révolutionnaires sont des hommes, en force de quoi, la tâche à laquelle ils s’obligent est donc vouée à l’échec» (p. 26).
C'est sur ce constat d'échec que, selon Bouthillon, le nazisme va fonder son éphémère empire, d'autant plus éphémère que, comme n'importe quel autre gouvernement n'ayant son origine que dans une sphère strictement temporelle ou séculière, il périra, qu'importe, nous le verrons, la facilité avec laquelle il tentera, au moment de s'effondrer, de récupérer les emblèmes et symboles du christianisme.
Concernant les rapprochements entre les emblèmes et les symboles de la Gauche et ceux du nazisme (1), nous pouvons lire ceci, lorsque Bouthillon analyse longuement et de manière fort convaincante la première proclamation publique du programme du parti nazi, faite le 24 février 1920 : «les hommes de Gauche présent à la Hofbräuhaus ont pu finir par brailler «Heil Hitler !» avec les autres, parce que Hitler leur a tenu des propos et leur a fait accomplir des gestes dans lesquels ils se retrouvaient. Par le nazisme, la Gauche n’a pas été seulement contrainte; elle a aussi été séduite» (p. 162) et, surtout, cette autre longue évocation de points communs entre les deux ennemis qui n'ont pas toujours été, loin s'en faut, irréductibles : «ce qui compte, pour comprendre ce qui se passe dans la salle archétypique [le 24 février 1920 : première proclamation publique du programme du parti nazi] où le récit de Mein Kampf transporte le lecteur, et comment la révélation du programme contribue à y créer peu à peu l’unité, c’est d’abord de se souvenir qu’il comprend vingt-cinq articles, ce qui permet de faire monter peu à peu la sauce de l’enthousiasme; et que, dans le lot, il y en a bien neuf qui relèvent incontestablement du patrimoine politique de la Gauche, ce qui permet à ceux des siens qui restent encore dans l’auditoire de s’y joindre progressivement. Point 7, l’État a le devoir de procurer aux citoyens des moyens d’existence : c’est le droit au travail, tel que revendiqué par la révolution de 1848. Point 9, tous les citoyens ont les mêmes droits et les mêmes devoirs : c’est l’égalité devant la loi, type 1789. Point 10, tout citoyen a le devoir de travailler, et le bien collectif doit primer sur l’intérêt individuel : c’est le noyau de tout socialisme. Point 11, suppression du revenu des oisifs, et de l’esclavage de l’intérêt : mais c’est du Besancenot, nos vies valent plus que leurs profits. Point 12, confiscation des bénéfices de guerre : à la bonne heure; point 13, nationalisation des trusts : quoi de mieux ? Point 14, hausse des retraites; point 17, réforme agraire – on en revenait aux Gracques – avec possibilité d’expropriation sans indemnité pour utilité publique; point 20, enfin, l’égalité de tous les enfants devant l’école, façon Ferry» (pp. 163-4).
Rappelant les analyse de Michel Dreyfus dans L’Antisémitisme à gauche (Éditions La Découverte, 2009), l'auteur ne craint pas d'enfoncer le clou lorsqu'il affirme qu'une autre partie du programme nazi n'a pas pu manquer de plaire à la Gauche, à savoir, son antisémitisme viscéral : «Mais il faut aller plus loin encore, et dire que ces points-là n’étaient pas les seuls du programme nazi qui, sous la République de Weimar, pouvaient susciter l’approbation d’un auditoire de Gauche. Cinq autres articles visaient les Juifs. Les points 5, 6, 7, les excluaient de la citoyenneté allemande, et donc aussi de la vie politique nationale; l’article 23 les excluait de la presse et de la vie culturelle; l’article 24 proclamait le respect du parti nazi envers un «christianisme positif», pour mieux condamner «l’esprit judéo-matérialiste». or cette thématique pouvait elle aussi constituer un appât pour la Gauche, et il est, de ce point de vue, très suggestif, qu’à l’arraché tant qu’on voudra, l’unanimité n’ait vraiment été atteinte dans la salle, le 24 février 1920, que sur le vote d’une résolution antisémite» (p. 164).
Bouthillon poursuit sa démonstration en insistant sur la spécificité du nazisme, qui parvint à concilier, un temps du moins, Droite et Gauche et ainsi refermer la plaie qu'avait ouverte la Révolution française en séparant, historiquement, les deux frères irréconciliables partout ailleurs qu'en France selon l'auteur (2) : «Or, dans l’histoire allemande, la nazisme constitue à la fois l’apogée de la haine entre la Gauche et la Droite, parce qu’il est né de la Droite la plus extrême et qu’il vomit la Gauche, et, en même temps, l’ébauche de leur réconciliation, précisément parce qu’il se veut un national-socialisme, unissant donc, à un nationalisme d’extrême-Droite, un socialisme d’extrême-Gauche. Vu sous cet angle, sa nature politique la plus authentique est donc celle d’un centrisme, mais par addition des extrêmes; et c’est pourquoi il peut espérer parvenir en Allemagne à une véritable refondation» (p. 173). Au sujet de cette thèse de Bouthillon, sans cesse répétée dans son ouvrage, de la création du nazisme par l'addition des extrêmes, notons ce passage : «pour que la Droite mute en l’une de ces formes de totalitarisme que sont les fascismes, il faut qu’elle accepte de faire sien un apport spécifique de la Gauche, et même de l’extrême-Gauche» (pp. 189-90).
Toutes ces pages (hormis celles, peut-être, du chapitre 2 consacré à Bismarck) sont intéressantes et écrites dans un style maîtrisé, moins vif cependant que celui d'un Éric Zemmour. Elles n'évoquent cependant point directement le sujet même qui donne son sous-titre à l'ouvrage de Bouthillon. Il faut ainsi prendre son mal en patience pour découvrir, au dernier chapitre, la thèse pour le moins condensée (en guise de piste de recherche méthodiquement développée, comme celle d'Emilio Gentile exposée dans La Religion fasciste), d'un autre ouvrage de l'auteur intitulé Et le bunker était vide. Une lecture du testament politique d'Adolf Hitler (Hermann, 2007). Car, en guise d'histoire théologique du nazisme que la seule référence à Carl Schmitt évoquant la théologie paulinienne ne peut tout de même combler (3), nous avons droit à une série de rapprochements, parfois quelque peu spécieux (4) entre les derniers faits et gestes de Hitler et ceux du Christ, comme celui-ci : «Le testament qu’il [Hitler] laisse est lui-même conçu comme un équivalent du discours du Christ pendant la dernière Cène, au moment de passer de ce monde à son Père : «je ne vous laisse pas seuls», tel est le thème dominant de ces adieux, dans un dispositif où l’expulsion de Göring et de Himmler hors du Parti pour trahison est l’exact pendant de celle de Judas hors du cénacle» (p. 254).
C'est donc affirmer que, s'il ne faut point considérer Hitler comme l'antichrist (5), il peut à bon droit être vu comme l'un de ses représentants, une idée qui a fait les délices de nombre d'auteurs, dont le sérieux de la recherche est d'ailleurs matière à controverse, tant certaines thèses ont pu sembler loufoques aux historiens du nazisme.
Mais affirmer que Hitler n'est qu'une des figures du Mal, et certainement pas celui-ci en personne si je puis dire nous fait peut-être toucher du doigt la thèse qui semblera véritablement scandaleuse aux yeux des lecteurs : Hitler est un dictateur absolument médiocre, dont le seul coup de génie a été, selon Bouthillon, d'adopter une position centriste qui lui a permis de mélanger habilement les idées et les influences venues des deux extrêmes politiques.
Autant dire que, devant l'effacement des frontières politiques auquel nous assistons de nos jours, la voie est libre pour que naissent une furieuse couvée de petits (ou de grands) Hitler qui, soyons-en certains, auront à cœur de venger l'honneur de leur père putatif et surtout de lire le testament aux accents fondamentalement religieux selon Bouthillon que le chef déchu leur aura laissé juste avant de se suicider et de faire disparaître son corps, comme une ultime parodie démoniaque de l'absence du cadavre du Christ.

* Livre dont Jean-Luc Evard donnera, ici même, une critique véritable, ce que la mienne n'est évidemment point qui se contente de dégager les grands axes de la démonstration de Bouthillon.
littérature,critique littéraire,histoire,nazisme,révolution française,théologie politique,fabrice bouthillon,éditions fayard(1) Sur le salut nazi, Fabrice Bouthillon affirme : «Ce geste fasciste par excellence, qu’est le salut de la main tendue, n’est-il pas au fond né à Gauche ? N’a-t-il pas procédé d’abord de ces votes à main levée dans les réunions politiques du parti, avant d’être militarisé ensuite par le raidissement du corps et le claquement des talons – militarisé et donc, par là, droitisé, devenant de la sorte le symbole le plus parfait de la capacité nazie à faire fusionner, autour de Hitler, valeurs de la Gauche et valeurs de la Droite ? Car il y a bien une autre origine possible à ce geste, qui est la prestation de serment le bras tendu; mais elle aussi est, en politique, éminemment de Gauche, puisque le serment prêté pour refonder, sur l’accord des volontés individuelles, une unité politique dissoute, appartient au premier chef à la liste des figures révolutionnaires obligées, dans la mesure même où la dissolution du corps politique, afin d’en procurer la restitution ultérieure, par l’engagement unanime des ex-membres de la société ancienne, est l’acte inaugural de toute révolution. Ainsi s’explique que la prestation du serment, les mains tendues, ait fourni la matière de l’une des scènes les plus topiques de la révolution française – et donc aussi, qu’on voie se dessiner, derrière le tableau par Hitler du meeting de fondation du parti nazi, celui, par David, du Serment du Jeu de Paume» (p. 171).
(2) «À partir de 1918, il n’est donc plus contestable qu’une voie particulière s’ouvre dans l’histoire de l’Europe pour l’une des nations qui la composent. Mais c’est la voie française. Parce que, sur le continent, pour la France, et pour la France seulement, la victoire pérennise alors la réconciliation de la Gauche et de la Droite qui s’était opérée dans l’Union sacrée, le clairon du 11 novembre ferme pour elle l’époque qui s’était ouverte avec la Révolution, et la République devient aussi légitime à Paris que la monarchie avait pu l’être avant 1789. Mais partout ailleurs sur le continent, c’est la défaite, dès 1917 pour la Russie, en 1918 pour l’Allemagne, en 1919, autour du tapis vert, pour l’Italie» (p. 107). Cet autre passage éclaire notre propos : «La période qui va de 1789 à 1914 avait été dominée par la séparation de la Gauche et de la Droite provoquée par la révolution française, et l’Allemagne avait perdu la chance que l’union sacrée lui avait donnée de refermer cette brèche. Du coup, la logique de la situation créée par la Révolution perdure, s’amplifie, se durcit : à Droite, la brutalisation exacerbe les nationalismes, à Gauche, elle surexcite l’universalisme, jusqu’à en tirer le bolchevisme. Moyennant quoi, la nécessité de mettre un terme à cette fracture se fait, au même rythme, plus impérieuse» (p. 197).
(3) «Rétablir l’Empire, réunir l’extrême Gauche et l’extrême Droite : Hitler aussi s’est donné ces deux objectifs, et la parenté de son entreprise avec celle de Napoléon ne doit donc rien au hasard. Elle vient de ce que le nazisme est né de l’effondrement révolutionnaire du katekhon aussi directement que le bonapartisme en est sorti. Comme ce qui se passe en Allemagne en 1933 vise à combler le gouffre, un moment refermé en 1914, mais rouvert dès 1918, qui béait sous la politique européenne depuis qu’en 1789, la Révolution avait mis un terme au prolongement que, durant près de quatorze siècles, le régime de Chrétienté avait procuré à l’Empire romain, la dimension antichristique du nazisme en découle immédiatement, faite d’opposition radicale au christianisme et de ressemblance avec lui, de ressemblance avec lui pour cause d’opposition radicale à lui» (pp. 262-3). Auparavant, l'auteur aura évoqué, tirant profit des thèses bien connues de René Girard (cf. p. 198) sur la violence mimétique, la volonté (et son exécution) d'exterminer les Juifs par une analyse du gouffre en question et des façons pour le moins radicales de le combler : «La Droite continentale tient qu’on ne peut quitter le contrat ancien, qu’il est en fait impossible de déchirer définitivement; la Droite insulaire [avec Burke], elle, démontre qu’on ne peut parvenir à un contrat nouveau. Or la Révolution s’étant pourtant bel et bien produite, il en résulte qu’on se trouve dans un état limbaire, intermédiaire entre ces deux vérités. On est entre l’Ancien Régime, chrétien, où la Victime, sur le sacrifice de laquelle reposait en dernière analyse tout l’ordre social, depuis la mise en place de l’augustinisme politique, était le Christ, régime qu’on ne peut totalement oublier – et le nouveau contrat social, qui, par hypothèse, ne devra plus rien au christianisme, mais auquel on ne peut atteindre. Eh bien, la solution intermédiaire est de refonder l’unité sur la haine du Juif : ce n’est plus le régime ancien, ça tient donc du nouveau; mais ce n’est pas un régime absolument nouveau, et ça tient donc de l’ancien : puisque dans l’ancien, en la personne du Christ, déjà la victime était juive» (p. 199).
(4) Ainsi du rapprochement opéré par l'auteur entre Eva Braun / Adolf Hitler et Ève / Adam, cf. p. 251-2.
(5) «En dictant son testament politique, Hitler visait à s’ériger en une espèce de dieu; faire de lui le Diable, comme y concourent avec ensemble de nos jours les médias, politiques et institutions d’enseignement, c’est l’aider à atteindre son but. S’il y avait cependant une leçon à retenir de la théologie de l’Antéchrist, ce serait pourtant que du mal, il n’a été qu’une des figures, et qu’il y aura pire – un pire que peu fort bien servir cette espèce de sacralisation perverse dont notre époque le fait jouir, grosse d’effets en retour au bout desquels nous ne sommes probablement pas rendus» (p. 268).

mercredi, 09 février 2011

L'eredità falsata di Martin Heidegger

L’eredità falsata di Martin Heidegger

Luca Leonello Rimbotti

Ex: http://www.centrostudilaruna.it/

Che Heidegger, con tutto il suo bagaglio filosofico intatto, sia stato catturato dalle sinistre ormai da qualche decennio e venga tenuto prigioniero nelle bibliografie e nelle monografie democratico-giacobine, è ormai un fatto risaputo. Da quando il marxismo si è dimostrato un ferro vecchio inutilizzabile, abbiamo assistito a un accorrere in folla dalle parti dell’ideologia nazionalpopolare europea, per sottrargli idee, concetti, approcci di pensiero, nomi e cognomi. Sulle orme lasciate da Heidegger, in particolare, hanno pestato in parecchi. E sempre con l’aria di aver fatto una scoperta. Su questa appropriazione indebita, in Italia e all’estero, non pochi ci si sono costruite carriere e cattedre di gran lustro.

Il gioco è semplice: basta far finta che Heidegger non sia mai stato davvero nazionalsocialista… in fondo, dopo appena un anno dette le dimissioni da rettore, sì o no?… rimase iscritto al Partito nazista fino al 1945, d’accordo, non ha mai detto una parola di condanna su Auschwitz… è vero anche questo… ma insomma… basta non dirlo troppo ad alta voce… poi si ripete fino alla nausea che il suo pensiero è stato travisato, ecco, è stato strumentalizzato, ma certo… è così evidente… ma per fortuna che ora ci pensano loro, gli intellettuali di sinistra, a dare la giusta lettura… ed ecco che un filosofo della tradizione, della ferrea identità di popolo, del volontarismo vitalistico, uno schietto pangermanista, uno che nelle lezioni su Nietzsche invocava «un nuovo ordine partendo dalle radici», tracciando una bella linea retta da Eraclito al Führer, ecco che dunque il filosofo della Führung diventa all’istante un santino del “pensiero debole”, dell’esistenzialismo universalista, una specie di curatore d’anime mezzo new age e mezzo dialettico… Si tratta di un gioco di prestigio per virtuosi, soltanto i migliori tra gli intellettuali di sinistra sono in grado di rivoltare Heidegger, ma anche Nietzsche o Schmitt, ma anche Marinetti o Gehlen o Jünger o Eliade… e tirarne fuori ottime figure di giacobini mondialisti…

A smascherare questi procedimenti della manipolazione professionale, nel 1988 giunse improvviso un libro di Victor Farìas intitolato Heidegger e il nazismo, pubblicato in Italia da Bollati Boringhieri. Fu una bomba inattesa. Suscitò sbandamento e panico nel campo della sinistra intelligente: Heidegger, dopo centinaia di pagine di uno studio basato su fonti primarie, veniva riconsegnato di brutto al suo destino di pensatore della reazione anti-modernista europea, dimostrando testi alla mano che si trattava di un filosofo accesamente antisemita, nazionalista, forgiatore di una profonda identità tra uomo europeo del XX secolo e uomo dorico dell’antichità. Insomma, un nazista. Uno studioso che parlava di metafisica greca pensando all’esserci storico dei tedeschi degli anni Venti-Trenta, e che elaborava la moderna filosofia ontologica individuandone una concreta realizzazione nelle SA.

Da allora, Farìas – che è stato allievo di Heidegger e di Fink – è diventato la bestia nera di tutti quei mandarini rossi che intasano università, riviste scientifiche, case editrici, forum e circuiti culturali, ma che per campare si erano inventati un Heidegger quasi-marxista. Se Marcuse si era ridotto a una caricatura, si poteva sempre ricorrere a un Heidegger ben limato… Su questa faccenda l’intellighenzia progressista si è da tempo spaccata in due. Da una parte i devoti di Heidegger, in fuga dalle macerie del marxismo; dall’altra parte i demolitori di Heidegger, custodi di una più intransigente ortodossia antifascista. Per dare un’idea, potremmmo dire: sinistra post-marxista e sinistra liberale ai ferri corti intorno alle spoglie di Heidegger.

In queste faide umilianti, tra l’altro, notiamo il tracollo finale di un modo di fare sub-cultura e di essere alla guida della macchina intellettuale, che si riassume nella bancarotta ormai irreversibile del progressismo. Falsificazione, fanatismo, faziosità, delazione, intimidazione… queste le attitudini scientifiche con cui i “filosofi” post-moderni, come nani confusi di fronte a qualcuno molto più grande di loro, arraffano oppure rigettano le posizioni di quello che è stato definito il maggior intellettuale del Novecento. Qualcuno glielo dica: si stanno occupando di un personaggio che non li riguarda in nessun caso.

Oggi Farìas ne fa un’altra delle sue e scarica nuove bordate di militanza democratica, pubblicando un esplicito L’eredità di Heidegger nel neonazismo, nel neofascismo e nel fondamentalismo islamico (Edizioni Medusa). Si prevedono nuovi travasi di bile tra le truppe intellettuali della sinistra heideggeriana, in fase di crescente spaesamento e comandate con qualche difficoltà, qui da noi, da maestri del pensiero del rango di un Gianni Vattimo.

Il discorso di Farìas, ancora una volta, non potrebbe essere più chiaro: Heidegger era nazista dalla testa ai piedi. Lo era perchè amico delle SA, perchè iscritto alla NSDAP fino all’ultimo giorno, perché pubblico elogiatore di Hitler, perché si identificò nel Terzo Reich e nelle sue guerre, perchè ha relativizzato pesantemente la Shoah, ma anche perchè tutto il suo pensiero, i suoi scritti, le sue lezioni universitarie, i suoi stessi concetti e argomenti sono riconoscibili per nazisti, sia prima che – addirittura – dopo il 1945. Poi Farìas va oltre, vuole strafare e, alla maniera dei persecutori “democratici”, quelli che vogliono imporre con le buone o con le cattive il Pensiero Unico, sui due piedi crea il mostro: Heidegger padre spirituale anche del neonazismo e del fondamentalismo islamico. Heidegger padre di tutti gli incubi dell’era globale. Prende Ernst Nolte – non uno qualsiasi, ma probabilmente il massimo storico vivente… ma col difetto di non appartenere alle cosche di sinistra – e lo diffama come agente neonazista. Direte: è uno scherzo? No, non è uno scherzo. Farìas fa sul serio: «Nolte di fatto apre le porte a un neonazismo che conferma tutti i modelli sociali autoritari… Nolte afferma che Heidegger intendeva il nazismo come “socialismo tedesco”… nel suo sforzo di riabilitare Heidegger utile a riabilitare un neonazismo… nella Repubblica Federale tedesca del 1987, Nolte interpreta le lezioni su Hölderlin (1934-1935) assumendo come evidente e accettabile l’ultranazionalismo dell’esegesi heideggeriana…».

Farìas, che è una punta di diamante della lobby mondialista liberal-libertaria di matrice cattolica, odia Nolte, che è un nazionalconservatore, di un odio da Inquisizione. Non elabora la possibilità che vi sia qualcuno che non la pensa come lui. E ne ha per tutti. Vede un mondo di neonazisti. Dalla “Nuova Destra” tedesca – un tranquillo ambiente di intellettuali alla Stefan George, dove si fa cultura di nicchia – al figlio di Heidegger, Hermann, accusato di voler insinuare un pernicioso “neo-heideggerismo”… fino a certi contatti culturali tra frange della destra e della sinistra tedesche: e, ad esempio, il loro anti-americanismo, attinto da Heidegger, diventa subito un sinistro “nazionalbolscevismo”. Attacca a testa bassa la “Nouvelle Droite” francese e infama de Benoist o Guillaume Faye tacciandoli coi soliti stereotipi di pericolosità neopagana e fascistoide: e sin qui nulla di nuovo. Ma subito li mette in collegamento con certe derive da lui astutamente individuate nel pensiero “corretto”: dice che Lacan o Baudrillart erano vicini a Céline e alla Rivoluzione Conservatrice, rivela che Foucault ammirava la «spiritualità politica» dei khomeinisti iraniani, giudica Steuckers un nocivo teorico “eurocentrista” e stende un verbale delle riviste cui collabora (comprendendoci anche quelle di Marco Tarchi…), poi descrive il nuovo ecologismo (e ci mette dentro anche quello di Eduardo Zarelli…) come un nido di eredi di Klages e del Blut und Boden… e ribatte ancora che l’heideggerismo del GRECE è stato un vaso d’infusione per il peggiore degli abomini, il razzismo: «de Benoist, come Heidegger, basa le gerarchie che fondano la discriminazione non come i razzisti “volgari” e zoologisti, bensì nello “spirito”…». Da questo poderoso concentrato di aria fritta, Farìas trae le sue conclusioni, rivelando al mondo l’esistenza di una perversa congiura metapolitica, al di là della destra e della sinistra: «Così, non sorprende che in Francia il matrimonio – impensabile fino a poco tempo fa – tra il sotterraneo fascismo heideggeriano e il neomarxismo militante sia oggi una realtà».

Subito dopo, Farìas si volge da un’altra parte del suo vasto spettro di nemici e ne individua uno tra i più temibili: l’islamismo heideggeriano. E ci informa che tra un tale Sayyd Qutb morto nel ‘66 e Heidegger esisteva una grande somiglianza di concezioni anti-americane… e che l’iraniano Ahmadinejad non sarebbe altro che «un militante “heideggeriano”». Infine si dice convinto che esista una nazi-connection mondiale che unifica tutti questi ambienti al «neofascismo militarista di Chàvez», dipinto come un Caudillo antisemita, a lungo ammaestrato dal defunto politologo péronista-revisionista Norberto Ceresole, a sua volta heideggeriano di ferro e perno ideologico del complotto neonazista… Insomma, è come leggere I Protocolli dei Savi di Sion… ma all’incontrario… e con l’uguale spessore scientifico pari a zero.

Farìas è uno dei più zelanti poliziotti a difesa del Pensiero Unico. Recita alla perfezione la parte del sacerdote che veglia sull’ortodossia totalitaria e che denuncia l’eretico, indicando la forca sulla quale farlo salire. Farìas lavora come pochi per le ragioni del mondialismo censendo pensieri, parole ed opere di quanti si ostinino ancora a usare la loro testa. Segnala ambienti, rivela retroscena, denuncia frasi che a forza sottolinea come pericolose, addita libri, uomini, associazioni come letali focolai di camuffamento neonazista sub specie heideggeriana. Uno afflitto da una simile sindrome, lo direste uno studioso… o piuttosto un delatore?

Noi imparziali e inattuali vogliamo dire la nostra: Farìas fa bene quando contribuisce a rettificare le cose, tornando a collocare Heidegger in modo documentato nella tradizione di pensiero che gli compete, quella anti-progressista e radicalmente identitaria. Del resto, Farìas è soltanto più rumoroso di altri: infatti, anche prima di lui, svariati studiosi, da Hugo Ott a Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe a Bernd Martin, per citarne solo alcuni, già tra l’87 e l’88, rimisero Heidegger al suo posto, dimostrandone i nessi biografici e filosofici col Nazionalsocialismo, senza per questo mandarne al capestro la memoria. E nessuno di loro intese recitare la parte fanatica del militante antifascista a tutti costi e fuori tempo massimo. Farìas fa infatti cattiva letteratura quando, da propagandista schierato e da terrorista intellettuale, fa sibilare la frusta dell’inquisitore “democratico”, evocando ad ogni passo la reazione in agguato, il neofascismo che dilaga, il Quarto Reich alle porte… e altri simili spropositi.

* * *

Tratto da Linea del 30 gennaio 2009.

Nazi Fashion Wars: The Evolian Revolt Against Aphroditism in the THird Reich

Nazi Fashion Wars:

The Evolian Revolt Against Aphroditism in the Third Reich

Part 1

Amanda Bradley

Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com/

“We would like women to remain women in their nature, in the whole of their lives, in the aim and fulfilment of these lives, just as we likewise wish men to remain men in their nature and in the aim and fulfilment of their nature and their aims.”—Adolf Hitler

girl1.jpgNational Socialism promoted two images of woman: the hardworking peasant mother in traditional dress, and the uniformed woman in service to her people. Both images were an attempt to combat two types of woman that are foreign to Traditional European societies: the Aphrodisian and Amazonian woman.

To understand the implications of these types, we must first outline J. J. Bachofen’s theory of the phases of human development and their relation to the Traditionalism of Julius Evola, who translated Bachofen’s Das Mutterrecht (Mother Right) into Italian and wrote the introduction. Bachofen posited a progressive view of history. The earliest and most primitive civilizations were earth-based, what Bachofen called “hetaerist-aphroditic,” since they were characterized by promiscuity.

As a revolt against the mistreatment of women in these early societies, Bachofen determined, agricultural-based Demetrian societies were developed. This phase of development was matriarchal, and exalted woman in her role of wife and mother, since it viewed woman and the earth as sources of generation.

Next, patriarchy developed, in which the sun and man were seen as the source of life. States of consciousness, correspondingly, went beyond the earth and the moon in solar-oriented societies.

Bachofen also outlined several regressions within his system. The cult of Dionysus was a regression from a Demetrian back into an earth-based cult, as exemplified by its emphasis on the vine (i.e., earth), a drunken dissolution into nature, and the promiscuous maenads who were its followers. Another regression was found in the various examples of Amazonian women in Western history, who did away with the need for a male principle.

Evola said that he integrated Bachofen’s ideas in “a wider and more up-to-date order of ideas.” [1]. He posits the Arctic cycle of the Golden Age as the primordial tradition. Demetrian societies came later, and eventually declined into Amazonian and Aphrodisian cycles. Meanwhile, there were descents into Titanic and Dionysian cycles, with a brief revival of the Northern spirit in the heroic age. Although Evola and Bachofen disagreed about the primacy of the Northern tradition, their interpretations of Aphroditism and other degenerations are similar.

As an earth-based society, the Aphrodisian is entirely focused on the material world. These societies are ruled by “the natural law (ius naturale) of sex motivated by lust, and with no understanding of the relationship of intercourse to conception.” [2] Even the afterlife is viewed not as an ascent to a heaven, but a return to nature. Bachofen describes woman’s status in these cultures as the lowest—she is only a sex object, the property of the tribal chief or any man who wants her. Evola’s interpretation is that in Aphrodisian societies, it is man’s status that is the lowest, since woman is the “sovereign of the man who is merely slave of his senses and sexuality, merely the ‘telluric’ being that finds its rest and its ecstasy only in the woman.” [3] Whether interpreting Aphrodisian societies as degrading to men, women, or both, one aspect is clear: Such a worldview emphasizes the lower aspects of sex, and presents woman as an object of base lust. Contrasted to this are Demetrian societies, in which monogamy and the love of the wife and mother replace mere lust.

Such Aphrodisian cultures are found only in pre-Aryan and anti-Aryan societies. In the history of the West, Evola theorizes that solar-based societies originally were found throughout Europe. In the more southern areas of Europe, in the timeline of recorded history at least, the solar forces did not withstand opposing forces for long. According to Joseph Campbell, these earth and lunar forces migrated to the Mediterranean from the East, as the Oriental principle was found in the “Aphroditic, Demetrian, and Dionysian legacies of the Sabines and Etruscans, Hellenistic Carthage and, finally, Cleopatra’s Hellenistic Egypt.”[4] Thus, much of what we associate with classical Greece cannot be assumed to be European, but must be interpreted in light of the degenerations that developed from its contact with the East. Rome, according to Evola, was able to ward off the influence of the telluric-maternal cult due to its establishment of a firm political organization that was centered on the virile principles of a solar worldview.

In addition to the spheres of love and family, Aphrodisian societies have far-reaching political implications as well. Earth and lunar cults were not necessarily (in fact, rarely) governed by women, yet like gynaecocracy, they foster “the egalitarism of the natural law, universalism and communism.” The idea is that Aphrodisian, earth-based societies viewed all men as children of one earth. Thus, “any inequality is an ‘injustice’, an outrage to the law of nature.” The ancient orgies, Evola writes, “were meant to celebrate the return of men to the state of nature through the momentary obliteration of any social difference and of any hierarchy.”[5] This also explains why in some cultures, the lower castes practiced tellurian or lunar rites, while solar rites were reserved for the aristocracy.

roekk-gross.jpgThese were the Aphrodisian elements that had made their way into the Weimar Republic and Third Reich, and which the National Socialists tried to restrain, along with modern Amazonian woman (the unmarried, childless, career woman in mannish dress). The Aphrodite type was represented by the “movie ‘star’ or some similar fascinating Aphrodisian apparition.”[6] In his introduction to the writings of Bachofen, National Socialist scholar Alfred Baeumler wrote that the modern world has all of the characteristics of a gynaecocratic age. In writing about the European city-woman, he says, “The fascinating female is the idol of our times, and, with painted lips, she walks through the European cities as she once did through Babylon.”[7]

(PICTURE: Hungarian-born singer Marikka Rökk)

The Nazis’ attempts to combat the Aphrodisian type of woman were manifest in various campaigns and in the writings of Nazi leaders. Most prominent was the promotion of the Gretchen type (the Demetrian woman, in her role as mother and wife), and the discouragement of anything that encouraged the fall of woman into a sex toy rather than a partner for men. Primary emphasis was placed on the discouragement of provocative dress, makeup, and unnatural hair, all which have associations with earth-based cults from the East. According to Evola, the Jewish spirit emphasizes the materialist and sensualist sides of life, with the body viewed as a material instrument of pleasure rather than an instrument of the spirit. Thus, ideologies such as cosmopolitanism, egalitarianism, materialism, and feminism are prevalent in a society that has a worldview infused with a Semitic spirit.[8]

Evola categorized the Aryan spirit as solar and virile, and the Jewish spirit as lunar and feminine. Using Bachofen’s classification system, the latter classifies most easily with Aphrodisian and earth-based cultures — where woman-as-sex-object prevails over woman-as-mother. In fact, there were various versions of “royal Asian women with Aphrodisian features, above all in ancient civilizations of Semitic stock.”[9] A review of archaeological evidence of Aryan and Semitic peoples reveals that, indeed, the only records of Aphrodisian culture in the West (as determined by a culture’s molding of woman into a sex object through fashion, makeup, and the idea of unnatural beauty) are the result of Eastern influence.

Aphrodisian Fashion and Cosmetics Are Absent from the History of Northern Europeans, and Found in Mediterranean Cultures as a Result of Eastern Influence

European civilizations unanimously associated unnatural beauty, achieved by cosmetics and dyed hair, with the lowest castes. This is because in Traditional societies, “health” was a symbol of “virtue” — to feign health or beauty was an attempt to mask the Truth.[10] Although cosmetics and jewelry were used ritually in ancient civilizations, their use eventually degenerated into a purely materialistic function.


girl4.jpgThe earliest Europeans tended toward simplicity in dress and appearance. Adornments were used solely to signify caste or heroic deeds, or were amulets or talismans. In ancient Greece, jewels were never worn for everyday use, but reserved for special occasions and public appearances. In Rome, also, jewelry was thought to have a spiritual power.[11] Western fashion often was used to display rank, as in Roman patricians’ purple sash and red shoes. The Mediterranean cultures, influenced by the East, were the first to become extravagant in dress and makeup. By the time this influence spread to northern Europe, it had been Christianized, and makeup did not appear again in northern Europe until the fourteenth century, after which followed a long period of its association with immorality.[12]

There is no firm evidence, archeological or narrative, for the use of makeup among the Anglo-Saxons. Only one story exists about its use among the Vikings, that of tenth century A.D. traveler  Ibrahim Al-Tartushi, who suggested that Vikings in Hedeby (in modern northern Germany) used kohl to protect against the evil eye (obviously an import from the East). Instead of makeup (outside of their often-described war paint), early northern Europeans focused on cleanliness and simplicity, as well as plant-based oils and aromatherapy. Archeological evidence reveals grooming tools for keeping hair tidy and teeth clean, and long hair was an essential beauty element for women.[13] Much of the jewelry worn by Vikings was religious, received as a reward for bravery in battle, or used to fasten clothing (such as brooches).[14]

Ancient Greece and Rome started out similar to northern Europe in the realms of fashion and beauty, but were quickly influenced by the East. Cosmetics were introduced to Rome from Egypt, and become associated with prostitutes and slaves. Prostitutes tended to use more makeup and perfume as they got older, practices that were looked down on as attempts to mask the unpleasant sights and odors of the lower classes. In fact, the Latin lenocinium means both “prostitution” and “makeup.” For a long time, cosmetics also were associated with non-white races, particular those from the Orient. As Rome degenerated, however, the use of makeup spread to many classes, with specialized slaves devoting much time to applying face paint to their masters, especially to lighten the skin color.

Although cosmetics became more accepted in Rome, their use was contrary to Roman beliefs and discouraged in their writings. Romans did not believe in “unnatural embellishment,” but only the preservation of natural beauty, for which there were many concoctions. Such unadulterated beauty was associated with chastity and morality. As an example, the Vestal Virgins did not use makeup. One who did, Postumia, was accused of incestum, a broad category that signifies immoral and irreligious acts.

In addition, Roman men found it suspicious when women tried to appear beautiful: the implications of cosmetic use included a lack of natural beauty, lack of chastity, potential for adultery, seductiveness, unnatural aversion to the traditional roles for women, manipulation, and deceitfulness. The poet Juvenal wrote, “a woman buys scents and lotions with adultery in mind.” Seneca believed the use of cosmetics was contributing to the decline in morality in the Rome Empire, and advised virtuous women to avoid them.[15] The only surviving text from Rome that approves of cosmetics, Ovid’s Medicamina Faciei Femineae (Cosmetics for the Female Face), gives natural remedies for whiter skin and blemishes but extols the virtues of good manners and a good disposition as highest of all beauty treatments.

Originally, the simplest hairstyles were prized in Rome, with women wearing their hair long, often with a headband. Younger girls favored a bun at the nape of the neck, or a knot on top of their head. Elaborate hairstyles only came into fashion during the Roman Empire as it degenerated.[16]

In ancient Greece, as well, makeup was the domain of lower-class women, who attempted to emulate the fair skin of the upper classes who stayed indoors. Rouge was sometimes used to give the skin a healthy and energetic glow. This tradition was continued by women in the Middle Ages, who also valued fair skin.

Cosmetics, dyed hair, and over-accessorizing continued to be associated with loose women as Western society was Christianized. Saint Irenaeus included cosmetics in a list of evils brought to the women who married fallen angels. The early Christian writers Clement of Alexandria, Tatian the Assyrian, and Tertullian also trace the origin of cosmetics to fallen angels.[17]

Dress presents a more difficult area to examine. Although the Nazis associated skimpy dress with foreign elements, this has not always been the case in West. Aryan societies generally did not moralize sex, nor see the body as shameful; women could show a bare breast or wear a short tunic without being viewed as a sex object. In fact, Bachofen reports that more restrictive dress represented a move toward Eastern cultures, which, seeing woman as temptress, insist on extensive covering. According to Plutarch, speaking on the old Dorian spirit:

There was nothing shameful about the nakedness of the virgins, for they were always accompanied by modesty and lechery was banned. Rather, it gave them a taste for simplicity and a care for outward dignity.[18]

Much of these distinctions in beauty treatments can be traced to deeper sources, to the differences in spirit of different peoples. Evola asserts the Roman spirit as the positive side of the Italian people, and the Mediterranean (more influenced by the East) as the negative that needs to be rectified. The first Mediterranean trait is “love for outward appearances and grand gestures”—it is the type that “needs a stage.” In such people, he says, there is a split in the personality: there is “an ‘I’ that plays the role and an ‘I’ that regards his part from the point of view of a possible observer or spectator, more or less as actors do.”

A different kind of split, one that instead supervises one’s conduct to avoid “primitive spontaneity,” is more befitting of the Roman character. The ancient Romans had a model of “sober, austere, active style, free form exhibitionism, measured, endowed with a calm awareness of one’s dignity.” Another negative trait of the Mediterranean type, Evola notes, is individualism, brought about by “the propensity toward outward appearances.” Evola also cites “concern for appearances but with little or no substance” as typical of the Mediterranean type.[19] Such differences in spirit will manifest in the material choices that are inherent to different peoples.



1. Julius Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World, trans. Guido Stucco (Rochester, Vt.: Inner Traditions, 1995), 211, footnote.

2. Joseph Campbell, Introduction, Myth, Religion, and Mother Right, by J. J. Bachofen, trans. Ralph Manheim (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1967), xxx–xxxi.

3. Evola, “Do We Live in a Gynaecocratic Society?”

4. Campbell, “Introduction” to Bachofen, xlviii.

5. Evola, “Gynaecocratic.”

6. Evola, “Matriarchy in J.J. Bachofen’s Work.”

7. Alfred Baeumler, quoted in Evola, “Matriarchy.”

8. Michael O’Meara, “Evola’s Anti-Semitism.”

9. Evola, “Gynaecocratic.”

10. Evola, Revolt, 102.

11. “Creationism & the Early Church.”

12. “Cosmetics use resurfaces in Middle Ages.”

13. “In Pursuit of Beauty.”

14. Fiona McDonald,Jewelry And Makeup Through History (Milwaukee, Wis.: Gareth Stevens, 2007), 13.

15. Wikipedia. “Cosmetics in Ancient Rome.”

16. “Roman Hairstyles.”

17. “Creationism & the Early Church.”

18. Plutarch, quoted in Bachofen, 171.

19. Evola, Men Among the Ruins: Post-War Reflections of a Radical Traditionalist, trans. Guido Stucco (Rochester, Vt.: Inner Traditions, 2002), 260–62.

Nazi Fashion Wars:
The Evolian Revolt Against Aphroditism in the Third Reich, Part 2

girl2.jpgThere is much archeological evidence for cosmetics and other beauty treatments in the East, particularly in Egypt and Asia. In Arab cultures, cosmetic use is traced back to ancient times, and there are no prohibitions in Islamic law against cosmetics. Though a simple use of makeup or hair dye could not be evidence of an Aphrodisian belief system, if such use is intended to limit woman’s role to the sexual realm, then we can assume there are elements of the culture that are earth-based and opposed to the Aryan solar cults.

Judaism is not historically opposed to cosmetics and jewelry, although two stories can be interpreted as negative indictments on cosmetics and too much finery: Esther rejected beauty treatments before her presentation to the Persian king, indicating that the highest beauty is pure and natural; and Jezebel, who dressed in finery and eye makeup before her death, may the root of some associations between makeup and prostitutes.

In most cases, however, Jewish views on cosmetics and jewelry tend to be positive and indicate woman’s role as sexual: “In the rabbinic culture, ornamentation, attractive dress and cosmetics are considered entirely appropriate to the woman in her ordained role of sexual partner.” In addition to daily use, cosmetics also are allowed on holidays on which work (including painting, drawing, and other arts) are forbidden; the idea is that since it is pleasurable for women to fix themselves up, it does not fall into the prohibited category of work.[1]

In addition to the historical distinctions between cultures on cosmetics, jewelry, and fashion, the modern era has demonstrated that certain races enter industries associated with the Aphrodisian worldview more than others. Overwhelmingly, Jews are overrepresented in all of these arenas. Following World War I, the beauty and fashion industries became dominated by huge corporations, many of the Jewish-owned. Of the four cosmetics pioneers — Helena Rubenstein, Elizabeth Arden, Estée Lauder (née Mentzer), and Charles Revson (founder of Revlon) — only Elizabeth Arden was not Jewish. In addition, more than 50 percent of department stores in America today were started or run by Jews. (Click here for information about Jewish department stores and jewelers, and here for Jewish fashion designers).

Hitler was not the only one who noticed Jewish influence in fashion and thought it harmful. Already in Germany, a belief existed that Jewish women were “prone to excess and extravagance in their clothing.” In addition, Jews were accused of purposefully denigrating women by designing immoral, trashy clothing for German women.[2] There was an economic aspect to the opposition of Jews in fashion, as many Germans thought them responsible for driving smaller, German-owned clothiers out of business. In 1933, an organization was founded to remove Jews from the Germany fashion industry. Adefa “came about not because of any orders emanating from high within the state hierarchy. Rather, it was founded and membered by persons working in the fashion industry.”[3] According to Adefa’s figures, Jewish participation was 35 percent in men’s outerwear, hats, and accessories; 40 percent in underclothing; 55 percent in the fur industry; and 70 percent in women’s outerwear.[4]

Although many Germans disliked the Jewish influence in beauty and fashion, it was recognized that the problem was not so much what particular foreign race was impacting German women, but that any foreign influence was shaping their lives and altering their spirit. The Nazis obviously were aware of the power of dress and beauty regimes to impact the core of woman’s self-image and being. According to Agnes Gerlach, chairwoman for the Association for German Women’s Culture:

Not only is the beauty ideal of another race physically different, but the position of a woman in another country will be different in its inclination. It depends on the race if a woman is respected as a free person or as a kept female. These basic attitudes also influence the clothes of a woman. The southern ‘showtype’ will subordinate her clothes to presentation, the Nordic ‘achievement type’ to activity. The southern ideal is the young lover; the Nordic ideal is the motherly woman. Exhibitionism leads to the deformation of the body, while being active obligates caring for the body. These hints already show what falsifying and degenerating influences emanate from a fashion born of foreign law and a foreign race.[5]

Gerlach’s statements echo descriptions of Aphrodisian cultures entirely: Some cultures view women as a sex object, and elements of promiscuity run through all areas of women’s dress and toilette; Aryan cultures have a broader understanding of the possibilities of the female being and celebrate woman’s natural beauty.

The Introduction of Aphrodisian Elements into Germany and the Beginning of the Fashion Battles

Long before the Third Reich, Germans battled the French on the field of fashion; it was a battle between the Aphrodisian culture that had made its way to France, and the Demetrian placement of woman as a wife and mother. As early as the 1600s, German satirical picture sheets were distributed that showed the “Latin morals, manners, customs, and vanity” of the French as threatening Nordic culture in Germany. In the twentieth century, Paris was the height of high fashion, and as tensions between the two countries increased, the French increased their derogatory characterizations of German women for not being stereotypically Aphrodisian. In 1914, a Parisian comic book presented Germans as “a nation of fat, unrefined, badly dressed clowns.”[6] And in 1917, a French depiction of “Virtuous Germania” shows her as “a fat, large-breasted, mean-looking woman, with a severe scowl on her chubby face.”[7]

Hitler saw the French fashion conglomerate as a manifestation of the Jewish spirit, and it was common to hear that Paris was controlled by Jews. Women were discouraged from wearing foreign modes of dress such as those in the Jewish and Parisian shops: “Sex appeal was considered to be ‘Jewish cosmopolitanism’, whilst slimming cures were frowned upon as counter to the birth drive.”[8] Thus, the Nazis staunch stance against anything French was in part a reaction to the Latin qualities of French culture, which had migrated to the Mediterranean thousands of years earlier, and that set the highest image of woman as something German men did not want: “a frivolous play toy that superficially only thinks about pleasure, adorns herself with trinkets and spangles, and resembles a glittering vessel, the interior of which is hollow and desolate.”[9] Such values had no place in National Socialism, which promoted autarky, frugalness, respect for the earth’s resources, natural beauty, a true religiosity (Christian at first, with the eventual goal to return to paganism), devotion to higher causes (such as to God and the state), service to one’s community, and the role of women as a wife and mother.

Opposition to the Aphrodisian Culture in the Third Reich

Most students of Third Reich history are familiar with the more popular efforts to shape women’s lives: the Lebensborn program for unwed mothers, interest-free loans for marriage and children, and propaganda posters that emphasized health and motherhood. But some of the largest battles in the fight for women occurred almost entirely within the sphere of fashion—in magazines, beauty salons, and women’s organizations.

The Nazis did not discount fashion, only its Aphrodisian manifestations. On the contrary, they understood fashion as a powerful political tool in shaping the mores of generations of women. Fashion and beauty also were recognized as important elements in the cultural revolution that is necessary for lasting political change. German author Stafan Zweig commented on fashion in the 1920s:

Today its dictatorship becomes universal in a heartbeat. No emperor, no khan in the history of the world ever experienced a similar power, no spiritual commandment a similar speed. Christianity and socialism required centuries and decades to win their followings, to enforce their commandments on as many people as a modern Parisian tailor enslaves in eight days.[10]

Thus, Nazi Germany established a fashion bureau and numerous women’s organizations as active forces of cultural hegemony. Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, the national leader of the NS-Frauenschaft (NSF, or National Socialist Women’s League), said the organization’s aim was to show women how their small actions could impact the entire nation.[11] Many of these “small actions” involved daily choices about dress, shopping, health, and hygiene.

The biggest enemies of women, according to the Nazi regime, were those un-German forces that worked to denigrate the German woman. These included Parisian high fashion and cosmetics, Jewish fashion, and the Hollywood image of the heavily made up, cigarette-smoking vamp—the archetype of the Aphrodisian. These forces not only impacted women’s clothing, personal care choices, and activities, but were dangerous since they touched the German woman’s very spirit.

girl5.jpgAlthough the image of the dirndl-wearing woman working the fields was heavily promoted, Hitler was not anti-fashion and realized the value in beautiful dress and that in order to retain women’s support, he could not do away with their luxury items completely. Part of the reason he opposed Joseph Goebbels’ 1944 plans to close fashion houses and beauty parlors was not because he disagreed, but because he was “fearful that this would antagonize German women,” particular those of the middle classes who he relied on for support.[12] Hitler showed his concern for tasteful clothing when he rejected the first design of girls’ uniforms for the Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM, League of German Girls) as “old sacks” and said the look should not be “too primitive.”[13] And in a conference with party leaders he said:

Clothing should not now suddenly return to the Stone Age; one should remain where we are now. I am of the opinion that when one wants a coat made, one can allow it to be made handsomely. It doesn’t become more expensive because of that. . . . Is it really something so horrible when [a woman] looks pretty? Let’s be honest, we all like to see it.[14]

Though understanding the need for tasteful and beautiful dress, the Nazis were adamantly against elements foreign to the Nordic spirit. The list included foreign fashion, trousers, provocative clothing, cosmetics, perfumes, hair alterations (such as coloring and permanents), extensive eyebrow plucking, dieting, alcohol, and smoking. In February 1916, the government issued a list of “forbidden luxury items” that included foreign (i.e., French) cosmetics and perfumes.[15] Permanents and hair coloring were strongly discouraged. Although the Nazis were against provocative clothing in everyday dress, they encouraged sportiness and were certainly not prudish about young girls wearing shorts to exercise. A parallel can be seen in the scanty dress worn by Spartan girls during their exercises, a civilization characterized by its Nordic spirit and solar-orientation.

Some have said that Hitler was opposed to cosmetics because of his vegetarian leanings, since cosmetics were made from animal byproducts. More likely, he retained the same views that kept women from wearing makeup for centuries in Western countries—the innate understanding that the Aphrodisian woman is opposed to Aryan culture. Nazi proponents said “red lips and painted cheeks suited the ‘Oriental’ or ‘Southern’ woman, but such artificial means only falsified the true beauty and femininity of the German woman.”[16] Others said that any amount of makeup or jewelry was considered “sluttish.”[17] Magazines in the Third Reich still carried advertisements for perfumes and cosmetics, but articles started advocating minimal, natural-looking makeup, for the truth was that most women were unable to pull off a fresh and healthy image without a little help from cosmetics.

Although jewelry and cosmetics were not banned, many areas of the Third Reich were impossible to enter unless conforming to Nazi ideals. In 1933, “painted” women were banned from Kreisleitung party meetings in Breslau. Women in the Lebensborn program were not allowed to use lipstick, pluck their eyebrows, or paint their nails.[18] When in uniform, women were forbidden to wear conspicuous jewelry, brightly colored gloves, bright purses, and obvious makeup.[19] The BDM also was influential in shaping fashion in the regime, with young girls taking up the use of clever pejoratives to reinforce the regime’s message that unnatural beauty was not Aryan. The Reich Youth Leader said:

The BDM does not subscribe to the untruthful ideal of a painted and external beauty, but rather strives for an honest beauty, which is situated in the harmonious training of the body and in the noble triad of body, soul, and mind. Staunch BDM members whole-heartedly embraced the message, and called those women who cosmetically tried to attain the Aryan female ideal ‘n2 (nordic ninnies)’ or ‘b3 (blue-eyed, blonde blithering idiots).’[20]

The Nazis offered many alternatives to Aphrodisian values: beauty would be derived from good character, exercise outdoors, a good diet, healthy skin free of the harsh chemicals in makeup, comfortable (yet still stylish and flattering) clothing, and from the love for her husband, children, home, and country. The most encouraged hairstyles were in buns or plaits—styles that saved money on trips to the beauty salon and were seen as more wholesome and befitting of the German character. In fact, Tracht (traditional German dress) was viewed as not merely clothing, but also as “the expression of a spiritual demeanor and a feeling of worth . . . Outwardly, it conveys the expression of the steadfastness and solid unity of the rural community.”[21] Foreign clothing designs, according to Gerlach, led to physical and “psychological distortion and damage, and thereby to national and racial deterioration.”[22]

*   *   *

Some people may be inclined to interpret Aphrodisian culture as positive for the sexes—it puts the emphasis for women not on careers but on their existence as sexual beings. Men often encourage such behavior by their dating choices and by complimenting an Aphrodisian “look” in women. But Aphrodisian culture is not only damaging to women, as Bachofen relates, by reducing them to the status of sex slave of multiple men. It also is degrading for men, at the level of personality and at the deepest levels of being. As Evola writes about the degeneration into Aphroditism:

The chthonic and infernal nature penetrates the virile principle and lowers it to a phallic level. The woman now dominates man as he becomes enslaved to the senses and a mere instrument of procreation. Vis-à-vis the Aphrodistic goddess, the divine male is subjected to the magic of the feminine principle and is reduced to the likes of an earthly demon or a god of the fecundating waters—in other words, to an insufficient and dark power.[23]

(PICTURE: Swedish singer Zarah Leander)

Zarah_Leander_DW_Ku_389109g.jpgAphroditism also contributes to the loss of wonder that is essential to a transcendent-based worldview, since many now find it hard to be moved by the ordinary. Josef Pieper discusses the importance of being able to see the divine in the natural:

If someone needs the ‘unusual’ to be moved to astonishment, that person has lost the ability to respond rightly to the wondrous, the mirandum, of being. The hunger for the sensational . . . is an unmistakable sign of the loss of the true power of wonder, for a bourgeois-ized humanity.[24]

A society that promotes so much unnatural beauty will no doubt lose the ability to experience the wondrous in the natural. It is essential that people retain the ability to love and be moved by the pure and natural, in order to once again return to a civilization centered in a Traditional Aryan worldview.


1. Daniel Boyarin, “Sex,” Jewish Women’s Archive.

2. Irene Guenther, Nazi ‘Chic’?: Fashioning Women in the Third Reich (Oxford: Berg, 2004), 50–51.

3. Guenther, 16.

4. Guenther, 159.

5. Agnes Gerlach,  quoted in Guenther, 146.

6. Guenther, 21–22.

7. Guenther, 26.

8. Matthew Stibbe, “Women and the Nazi state,” History Today, vol. 43, November 1993.

9. Guenther, 93.

10. Stefan  Zweig, quoted in Guenther, 9.

11. Jill Stephenson, Women in Nazi Germany (Essex, UK: Pearson, 2001), 88.

12. Stephenson, 133.

13. Guenther, 120.

14. Adolf Hitler, quoted in Guenther, 141.

15. Guenther, 32.

16. Guenther, 100.

17. Guido Knopp,  Hitler’s Women (New York: Routledge, 2003), 231.

18. Guenther, 99.

19. Guenther, 129.

20. Guenther, 121.

21. Guenther, 111.

22. Gerlach, quoted in Guenther, 145.

23. Evola, Revolt, 223.

24. Josef Pieper,  Leisure: The Basis of Culture, trans. Gerald Malsbary (South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine’s Press, 1998), 102.  









mardi, 08 février 2011

Churchill: More Myth than Legend


Churchill: More Myth than Legend

by Patrick Foy

Ex: http://takimag.com/

Last week a country-club Republican friend in Palm Beach gave me a copy of The Weekly Standard and urged me to read “A World in Crisis: What the thirties tell us about today” by opinion editor Matthew Continetti. The article would have the reader believe that the universe’s fate hinged upon a little-known 1931 Manhattan traffic accident involving Winston Churchill.

Churchill was crossing Fifth Avenue at 76th Street in the late evening of December 13th, 1931 on his way to Bernard Baruch’s apartment for a powwow when he looked the wrong way, crossed against the light, and was sideswiped by a car going 30MPH. The hapless statesman spent over a week in Lenox Hill Hospital recovering from a sprained shoulder, facial lacerations, and a mild concussion, all of which required a doctor’s prescription for “alcoholic spirits especially at meal times.” Continetti mentions “the granularity of history,” whatever that means: “If the car had been traveling just a little bit faster, the history of the twentieth century would have been irrevocably altered.” True enough, but for the better or the worse?

Continetti would argue that this chance mishap worked out for the best. His premise is that the 1930s were dangerous times much like our own, and it took the astute Winston Churchill to come to humanity’s rescue and make things right: “A few people in December 1931 recognized the growing danger. The patient at Lenox Hill Hospital was one.” Oh, dear. What bilge.

The Weekly Standard, as well as National Review Online and Commentary Magazine, all belong to the same faux-conservative neocon fraternity which hijacked Washington starting with H. W. Bush in the Cold War’s aftermath and has demolished any hope of a “peace dividend” ever since.

Fighting fire with gasoline is not generally a good idea, and Islamic extremism is a logical byproduct of the Tel Aviv-Washington alliance. Hence, the slow-motion downfall of the world’s “indispensable nation” is now upon us. It reminds me of the sad state of Little England in WWII’s aftermath, all thanks to Sir Winston’s myopic leadership.

Neocon opportunists have grabbed Churchill as one of their own. He is always linked to the presumed “good war” and has been glorified to the skies as a result. But what if that car had been traveling faster down Fifth Avenue in 1931 and knocked the British bulldog into the next world? Could the Second World War have been avoided altogether?

“Neocon opportunists have grabbed Churchill as one of their own.”

The “good war” resulted in approximately fifty million fatalities worldwide, left Europe a starved and blasted continent, destroyed the far-flung British and French empires, brought the Soviets into Europe’s heart for more than forty years, and handed China over to Mao Tse-tung.

Churchill actively participated in making World War II a global conflict. He promoted war’s outbreak in Europe in the summer of 1939, utilizing the Versailles Treaty’s last unresolved issue: Danzig and the Polish Corridor. Prime Minister Chamberlain gave Poland a blanket guarantee of the status quo, terminating a negotiated settlement and making war between Berlin and Warsaw inevitable.

In 1941, Churchill withheld vital information from the Hawaiian commanders about an imminent outbreak of hostilities. London’s Far East code-breakers had cracked the Japanese naval code, JN-25, and Churchill had access to it. The “surprise” attack on Pearl Harbor turned the European conflict into a truly global war. It was Pearl Harbor that saved Churchill’s backside and rescued the Roosevelt presidency.

Churchill had some surprisingly positive things to say about Hitler prior to the invasion of Poland. In Francis Neilson’s The Churchill Legend Neilson quotes what Churchill wrote about the German leader in a letter to himself dated September 17th, 1937 and included in Step by Step, published in 1939:

“One may dislike Hitler’s system and yet admire his patriotic achievement. If our country were defeated, I hope we would find a champion as indomitable to restore our courage and lead us back to our place among the nations.”

Along the same lines, Neilson cites the 1937 book Great Contemporaries, in which Churchill states that Hitler’s life’s story “cannot be read without admiration for the courage, the perseverance, and the vital force which enabled him to challenge, defy, conciliate, or overcome, all the authorities or resistances which barred his path.”

I’m now wondering about pre-1931. If the twentieth century could have been “irrevocably altered” by Churchill’s brush with death in a traffic accident between the World Wars, what if Churchill had never been engaged in politics in the first place? For the answer, one has only to get a copy of The Churchill Legend and read it. Francis Neilson, who was a member of Parliament at the outbreak of the Great War, claimed to have known Churchill longer than anyone alive.

The list of disasters Churchill presided over prior to the Second World War includes the fiasco at Gallipoli, the Lusitania’s sinking (when Churchill was First Lord of the Admiralty), and the issuance of the Balfour Declaration in 1917 by the British War Cabinet, which opened a Pandora’s box from which has sprung endless injustice and bloodshed in the Middle East. Not that Churchill deserves the sole credit for these disasters, but his fingerprints are there. He was certainly involved at the highest level. Both the sinking of the Lusitania and the Balfour Declaration were the byproducts of a desperate strategy to drag America into the Great War.

One gets the impression from reading Neilson that Churchill’s entire public career—grounded in both World Wars—shows indisputable evidence of incompetence, opportunism, ruthlessness, mendacity, and bad judgment. Yes, history is repeating itself.

dimanche, 06 février 2011

Ernst Jünger in den Kreidegräben der Champagne

Ernst Jünger in den Kreidegräben der Champagne